Context Clues
Figurative Lang
Word Parts

Scientists are thrilled about some tiny, furry finds. They have discovered two new species of lemurs on Madagascar, an island located off the southeast coast of Africa. The endangered animals are found only in Madagascar and a few of the country's nearby islands. Madagascar is home to some of the world's most exotic, or unusual, plants and animals. Lemurs live mainly in forest trees and are nocturnal, or active at night.

What does exotic mean?

A. unusual    

B. different    

C. animal    

D. species


A. unusual


My brother was getting ready for school as slow as a snail.

A. metaphor

B. simile



Aggressive is to calm as _________________.

A.boring is to dull

B. brim is to hat

C. state is to country

D. weak is to strong

D. weak is to strong


Show the word parts for the word incomplete and give its definition.

in=prefix (not)

complete= root word 

incomplete= not complete


Joey spotted Callie and blurted out, “You have your own motor chair!  How cool!”

Callie smiled, replying, “Yes. I like my motor chair, too. I’m Callie.” She extended her hand to the little boy.

“And I’m your new friend, Joey,” he said, while hastily hugging Callie instead of shaking her hand. Joey was in a hurry to learn about the cool things the motor chair could do.

According to the passage, extended means _____. 

to stretch out


Add figurative language to the sentence below.

I am so tired. 

teacher check.

I am so tired I could sleep for a million years.


Pencil is to write as __________ is to ___________.

teacher check


Give the word parts and the definition for the word uncomfortable.

un= prefix (not)

comfort= root word

able= suffix (able to, capable of)

uncomfortable=- not able to have comfort

  1.  Even though her ankle was not broken, at the moment of impact, Helen found the pain to be excruciating. She cried out and dropped to the ground, her eyes squeezed tightly shut, waiting for the first waves of agony to subside. When they did, she began to crawl towards the house, all the time wondering if she would be able to make it up the stairs by herself.

 In the paragraph above, the word excruciating means:

A. painful.    

B. exciting.    

C. mild. 

D. enjoyable.

A. painful


Circle the hyperbole and tell its meaning. 

I could smell the dirty diaper from a mile away!

hyperbole= from a mile away

meaning= the diaper was REALLY smelly and you could smell if from far away


Cooking is to kitchen as __________ is to ___________.

teacher check


Give the word parts and the meaning of the word predictable.

pre=prefix (before)

dict= root word (to say/know)

able= able to, capable of

predictable= able to know or say before hand


Zephyr was distressed about inviting her new friend, Callie, over to her house.  She was worried about being embarrassed by her baby brother, Joey.  For a five-year-old boy, Joey was very smart. However, he was also blunt.  He said anything that came to his mind and was not very polite.  Callie used an electric wheelchair to move around, and Zephyr was unsure of how Joey would react to that.  She was hesitant about introducing Callie to Joey.

According to the passage, blunt means:

    a.  talkative

    b.  impolite

    c.  not smart

    d.  irresponsible

b. impolite


Tell the meaning of the idiom in the sentence below.

As we all rushed out of the house to the car to head to the pool my mom said "hold your horses!"

hold your horses= wait a minute or slow down


Filthy is to ___________________ as difficult is too simple.

        a. dirty

        b. clean

        c. muddy

        d. challenging

b. clean


What is the meaning of the suffix ist as used in the word artist?

Leonardo da Vinci was a famous Italian artist who painted the Mona Lisa.

ist= someone who

artist= someone who does art


The nimble gymnast swiftly jumped and turned flips across the floor with ease. She looked so graceful like a swan.

Using context clues, what does nimble mean?

quick and light in movement


The scientist's lab looked like it was a total mess, but she assured us that there was a method to her madness. Pick the. definition that best fits the idiom.

a.  to be prepared for a situation

b.  trick someone into thinking something is true

c.  something that appears meaningless, but in the end is done for a good reason

d.  when something happens very rarely or infrequently

c.  something that appears meaningless, but in the end is done for a good reason


Create a cause and effect analogy to show word relationships.

___________ is to _____________ as ____________ is to ____________

teacher check

example: study is to pass as rain is to flood


What is the meaning of the prefix co as used in the word copilot?

The pilot and the copilot were trying to land the plane together.

Co= With 

Copilot= someone who works with or beside the pilot