Vehicle Crashes 2.01
Suspicious Persons 2.02
Escorts 2.05
Elevator Incidents 2.06
Denture Recovery 2.11

Officers will advise the involved parties that no (What)?

What is an "Investigation”. Officer will notify Law Enforcement if requested. 


Generally, Security Services personnel will introduce themselves to the person to be 

challenged and ask them ?

What is “May I help you?” or “May I be of assistance?” 


The Security Officer will greet the caller upon arrival at their location and immediately call Emergency Communications with?

What is their arrival “10-23” time.


What is the first thing an officer should do after they arrive on scene?

What is 

 Upon arrival, personnel will verify that passengers are/are not on 

board. If unable to determine – assume passengers are on the 



Where is the first place nursing should check for missing dentures?

What is: 

 The Officer will request the Nurse to check the patient’s mouth as the 

patient or family may be unaware due to sedation or illness. 


 Security personnel will not attempt to determine "What"?

What is “fault” and will not 

discuss issues related to fault or causes of collisions.


When a vehicle is involved or present, Officers should provide the ECC What information?

What is: 

description of the vehicle (to include color, make, model, and registration) and 

number/description of occupants.


When providing an escort using the Security Vehicle What should you provide at the begining of the escort?

What is 

beginning odometer reading (mileage) when they arrive at the 

caller’s location along with their “10-23” time.


Who will the officer wait to arrive once their on scene.

Who is: Secuirty Supervisor/Senior Officer

 The Officer will stand by and wait for the arrival of the Engineering 

Department, WSFD and/or Elevator Service Company Representative. 

Between the hours of 0700 and 1630 hours Monday-Friday (with 

exception of holidays) Elevator Service Company Representatives 


What questions should the officer ask nursing staff?

What is:

Interview Nursing staff to find out the last time the dentures were seen, 

and their location.


All accidents involving personal injury (or claims of 

injury) as well as those crashes involving estimated damage in excess of " What"?

What is $1000 will be reported to local law enforcement.


Unless there are legal grounds for a detention;

 Persons challenged may not be What? 

What is 

detained in any manner against their will or 

searched without their permission.


When the Security Officer arrives at the final destination, they will call with What?

Emergency Communications with the ending odometer reading.

What is  the ending odometer reading and 10-24 time.


Who are the only people authorized to perform an extraction?

Who is: Engineering, Fire Department, Elevator Company.

* If the Security Supervisor and Engineering Supervisor determine that 

the extraction can be made safely, and the elevator is less than one 

foot from the floor level, Engineering may perform the extraction.

If they cannot perform the extraction, Engineering is responsible for contacting elevator company during normal hours. 


If the dentures are not located, what is the officers next step?

What is:

If unable to locate the dentures, obtain assistance from staff to access the 

patient record for the Nursing Assessment Sheet and documented patient 

belongings inventory. The Assessment Sheet will indicate if the patient’s 

dentures were noted and a denture cup issued per the Nursing Denture 



Officers will enter " What" into ECOMM?

What is:

Vehicle descriptions (including registration 

plate numbers) and names of drivers/passengers of each vehicle as well 

as names of any identified witnesses.


When Detention Permitted - A private person may detain another person when 

he/she has probable cause to believe that the person detained has committed in 

his presence of what?

What is:

a. A felony, (Generally, only the most serious crimes are felonies. Murder, Rape, 

Robbery, etc.)

b. A breach of the peace, (Yelling, screaming; creating a loud or violent 

disturbance.) (Cursing is not necessarily a breach of the peace.)

c. A crime involving physical injury to another person, or

d. A crime involving theft or destruction of property.


When escorting people, what should you say to communication when starting the escort.

What is: the number of people i.e. times 3 or time 2


What is the time limit before the Fire Deparment should be contacted?

What is 15 minutes. Supervisor can make the call before or after the time allowed if the situation changes. 


Where are some areas outside of the unit that should be checked?

What are:

 Identify persons who had contact with the patient such as family members 

and ancillary departments such as Laundry, Dietary, Respiratory, etc. 

Verify that the patient had/had not been removed from unit for other 

procedures. Laundry Services can be contacted to be on the lookout for 

the lost item.


 Security personnel responding to vehicle crashes involving employees of 

the Medical Center or vehicles or property owned by the Medical Center 

will do what? Name at least 3 things. 

What is:Notify the on-duty Security Supervisor for on-scene supervision.  

Notify law enforcement for on-scene investigation (obtain IR number).

Take Photograghs

Complete an appropriate report

Notify Risk Management for on-scene response when the collision 

involves significant property damage and/or serious personal injury.

Provide notification to the involved employee’s supervisor/manager for 

possible post-accident drug/alcohol screening. (Employee Health may 

assist in notification and guidance to involved management.)


Detainees can be moved based on actual consent or as reasonably necessary to where and why?

What is: (out of a driveway, out of the sun, to a chair or seat, or from one room to another for 

security/privacy purposes). Any movement should be very limited. Transportation to 

a Magistrate's Office is not allowed.


What is the time standard to have an escort enter and dispatched. 

What is 

Emergency Communications will enter all escort requests as received and 

within one minute of receipt dispatch the request to an available officer, or 

notify the shift supervisor that the escort request is pending and no unit is 

readily available for response. Desired response to escorts is less than 5 mins.


 Personnel will attempt to determine what when they arrive on scene. Name at least 3 things.

What are: 

a. The presence of patients (number) in the elevator.

b. The general status and physical condition of those on board.

c. The presence of medical staff and/or equipment.

d. The demeanor of those on board (calm, anxious or panicked?)

e. The need for a Code 44 or other medical response for standby.


What should be said regarding replacement or cost?

What is: 

Security personnel will not discuss liability or compliance with policy nor

make any promise of restitution for loss items. Restitution will be 

coordinated with Patient Experience and Risk Management to include 

need for replacement estimates.