Health & Safety
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This would contain all safety related activities documentation thru out the year that would include meeting minutes, drills completed

Health & Safety Binder - located where? 


A Symbol of quality that reflects an organizations commitment to meeting certain performance standards

What is ; Joint Commission Accreditation 


Who owns Sea Mar

The community


Purpose of wearying your ID Badge

policy and allows patients to easily identify employees especially if you are in other departments or facilities  

3 things you should do at a JCAHO visit

Think before you speak 

Only answer specific questions don't elaborate

ask for clarification 

show enthusiasm and interest mention practices and procedures that support your answer 


Binder with all the materials and chemicals that are used at our site

SDS Binder


This is a quarterly survey to produce information about perceptions of patient's experiences

Patient Satisfaction Survey; how often is this administered? 

Specific set up information guidelines and information to abide by either administrative personnel or clinical

Policy and Procedures; Sharepoint; BH ; Policies 

Process in which a patient would display a dissatisfaction of services.  

Grievance process; can you go thru the process;  direct patients to manager / supervisor grievance form, admin phone number, email, in person  


The methodology that JCAHO uses thru out the survey process

Tracer Methodology; overall ensuring the organization follows it's own policy strategy;  


What form is used to report Incidents; 

Form C ; where would you locate it


Where would you find everything related to JCAHO

Sharepoint; QI - 


unanticipated death, or major permanent loss fo function that is not related to the natural course of their illness; loss of function could be physical, mental or emotional. 

Sentinel Event; Policy located where 


How do you insure patient information confidentiality?

Patient identifiers ; name & dob, lock computers, shred PHI,


Notice that describes how medical information about you may be used or disclosed 

Notice of Privacy Practices and where can you locate 


Name 3 Infection Control Procedures 

Hand Hygiene, masking when sick, disinfection procedures ; employee health screening protocol 


Strategy to address the overall health of our systems such as ; auditing charts, monthly review of environment of care ; submitted to Administration and Board of Directors 

Quality Improvement ; QI 


Located in the new patient packet obtained during screening; also posted in the lobby and on our website

Patient Rights and Responsibilities 


Systematic Approach to services; Exceptional Services every person every time 

AIDET ; Acknowledge, Introduce, Duration, Explanation, Thank you, 


Where can you find important information quickly 



The approved cleaning / disinfection chemical and how what is the contact time; 

Germ Swipe/ 3 minutes extra credit ; allow to remain on the service then wipe off. WEAR GLOVES


Do you get In-Service Training and how often;  

Relias; monthly covers many different topics specific to job role 


Process for functioning / operating when EHR Systems are unavailable 

System Down and where is it located 


At risk or confronted by person with weapon 

Hostage situration 

Cody Silver 


Hazardous Material spill or release 

Unsafe exposure to spill 

Code Orange