PH Systems
Policy, Politics & Reform

Lemuel Shattuck's major contribution to public health nursing was what? 

A report recommending the development of state health departments, local health departments, and implementing birth and death records.


Everybody having a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. 

Health Equity


Step in the policy making process when the policy is put into action.

Policy Implementation


A woman is attending her annual checkup and completing her annual mammogram and Papanicolaou smear (Pap) screenings. This is an example of what type of intervention? 



A local health department makes sure all the necessary community health services are available in the community. Which of the following core public health functions is being implemented?



A nurse who is new to a public health clinic is completing continuing education and skill check offs specific to public health nursing to ensure she can competently perform her duties as a public health nurse. What is this called?



What is the main difference between governmental and nongovernmental organizations? 

Public pay vs private pay


A hospital board has completed a 6-month trial of a new policy concerning staff tardiness. It has been determined that a modification is needed to the policy. In which step of policymaking process is the board involved?



Client-centered communication style for promoting behavior change by helping clients explore and resolve ambivalence to change.

Motivational interviewing 


A nurse is examining the stages of illness in a group of elderly and is deciding on appropriate interventions such as preventative or therapeutic measures according to ones susceptibility is an example of the study of what?



Income, education, age, where people live and work are known as what? 

Social determinants of health


What are two roles of the International Council of Nurses?

Ensure quality nursing care, global health policies, advancement of nursing knowledge, presence of worldwide respect for the nursing profession, a competent and satisfied nursing workforce. 


A nurse is advocating for a change in a policy about immunization requirements. The nurse has identified who is involved in setting this type of policy and what policy ideas are being considered to address the problem. What should the nurse find out next?

When the policy is being considered

A behavior change model that considers the severity of the potential illness or physical challenge, the level of conceivable susceptibility, the benefits of taking preventative action, and the challenges that may be faced in taking action toward the goal of health promotion

Health Belief Model


A public health nurse is evaluating the effectiveness of a recent tobacco cessation program. Which analysis tool would best assist the nurse in evaluating the effectiveness of the intervention?

Cost benefit


A group of nurses are exploring the health costs within the United States. Which expenditure should these students point out is the most significant cost and fastest growing?

Prescription Medications 


A nurse works predominantly with clients who are veterans or active military personnel. Which program will these individuals most likely be receiving health benefits through?



Name three goals of the ACA. 

Improve primary and preventative care, to move to a population-based system, lower costs, improved access, extend covered to young adults. 


Name three factors affecting health literacy.

Adults over 65, limited education, low income, English is second language, recent refugee or immigrant, disease or disability


A neighborhood has developed a neighborhood watch program in collaboration with the local police department after experiencing multiple robberies throughout the neighborhood. The watch program will have 24 participants and mainly be active through the summer months when robberies are higher. Which model with this organization being utilizing in this process?

Relapse Prevention Model


This nurse was impacted by the poor living conditions of immigrants and helped not only to teach about infectious disease prevention, sanitation, nutrition, but also promoted public health through the development of the "Henry Street Settlement"

Lillian Wald


A nurse is coordinating an initiative in the community to make sure that the healthcare needs of local refuges and asylees are recognized and addressed. Which federal agency should this nurse prioritize contacting to assist with this effort?

U.S. Department of Heath and Human Services


A local nurse is becoming involved in the policy making process. First, she needs to be aware of the correct order of policy making. Place the steps in the correct order. 

A) Setting an agenda

B) Problem identification 

C) Policy formulation

D) Policy evaluation

E) Policy implementation

F) Policy legitimation

B, A, C, F, E, D


The transtheoretical model involves the timely readiness of the learner and is a five-stage process. What are the the five stages?

1. Precontemplation

2. Contemplation

3. Preparation

4. Action

5. Maintenance


What three things qualify a person for Medicare?

Ages 65 and older, people under 65 with certain disabilities, people of all ages with chronic kidney disease (requiring dialysis or kidney transplant)