Chapter 1
Civil War
Chapter 2 Reconstruction
Chapter 3
New West
Chapter 4
Industrial Revolution
Chapter 5

Why was the US divided?

The US was divided because of slavery. The Union and the Confederacy would try to balance out the slave states and free states. But when it would be uneven the side that wasn’t getting the state they would get mad and try to make it fair. This eventually got out of hand with many battles and caused the Civil War.


Why was Reconstruction going to be difficult?

Reconstruction was going to be difficult because the Confederacy still hated the Union. Also all territory was destroyed.


What was the belief of Manifest Destiny

God given duty to spread American ideals & culture


Describe a capitalist economy.  (Free market economy)

A capitalist economy is when people can own and control property that they are interested in(Supply and Demand).


What were push and pull factors?

Push and pull factors were parts of immigration, with push being pushed out of the country and pulled for better things. For example a push factor is discrimination, while a pull factor being less discrimination when they get to the new country.


What was the Dred Scott Case?

The Dred Scott Case was when, Dred Scott was a slave in Missouri. He moved with his owner above the Missouri Compromise line, and when he died, Scott sued for freedom, saying he’d become free when living outside of MO. This was taken to the Supreme Court and the outcome was African Americans do not have rights Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional. Slavery could not be limited in any state: it interfered with slaveowner’s property guaranteed by 5th amendment


How did Radical Republicans want to reconstruct the South?

The Radical Republicans wanted to Reconstruct the South with a harsher approach than others. They wanted things like the Freedmen's Bureau and things that helped former slaves and poor to be protected.


Why was the transcontinental railroad built?

It was built because people wanted to travel between the east and west.


How did business change after the civil war?

After the Civil War businesses changed because factories expanded, innovated products, railroads expanded, etc.


What struggles did immigrants face?

Immigrants faced struggles with language, they lived in cramped tenements, and they were taken advantage of.


Who was John Brown?

John Brown was a radical abolitionist. He was nativist who thought that slaves should be free, he believed this so much that he brought out weapons.


Why were the 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments so important?

The 13th amendment Abolished slavery in all states and territories, the 14th amendment Granted citizenship to all people born in the US and it equaled protection of the law for all people, 15th amendment Granted right to vote to all men regardless of race 


Were the Native American civilized?  How were they viewed by Americans?

Yes, the Americans viewed them as outsiders.


Who were Vanderbilt, Carnegie and Rockefeller?  Why did some look at them as leaders of their industry while others considered them to be “Robber Barons”?

Vanderbilt, Carnegie and Rockefeller were monopolists, when they were seen as leaders because people thought they earned their money fairly, and other people called them “Robber Barons” because people thought they took advantage of the poor.


Where did immigrants mainly live?

In Tenements


What is one main point Lincoln stated in the Gettysberg Adress?

That all men are created equally


Was Reconstruction Successful?

Yes. It gave many people who were in bad conditions the opportunity to go to college and get proper education so they could do other successful things.


How were the Native Americans treated? Why?

Native Americans were treated differently and bad. This was because the US didn’t like having something different and wanted everyone to be like them. The Native Americans spoke differently and wore different things


What impact did Laissez-faire have on business and workers? 

Laissez-faire affects business workers because business owners took advantage of it and made their workers struggle. It affected business because it allowed them to take advantage.


How did most immigrants travel?

By boat or plane. (Mostly boat)


How could we have avoided the Civil War?

We could have avoided the War by not letting Harriet Beecher Stowe Publish, “Uncle Toms Cabin”


How did the Southern State Legislatures continue to Rebel?

The southern state Legislators continued to rebel by passing laws to limit freedmen's rights.


What was the goal of the Dawes Act?

The goal of the Dawes Act was to assimilate native Americans. Another goal was to break up Native American reservations.


Why did labor unions form?

Labor unions formed because people were working for long hours, little pay, and in unsafe conditions.


What problems did Immigrants face?

They faced nativism, trouble speaking, discrimination, etc.