Greek Thinkers
Theater, Architecture, and Olympics
Classical Greece
Social Classes/Miscellaneous

Who asked questions to gain knowledge



Give examples of Greek buildings OR Give examples of ancient Olympic sports

Buildings: Theaters, temples, sports stadiums

Sports: Javelin-throwing, Disc-throwing, running, wrestling, boxing, chariot racing, long jumping


During Alexander the Great's conquest, the Jews started becoming....


What event started the time period of Classical Greece?

Greece won the Persian Wars

What was the lowest social class in Greece?



What did Homer study?



What are the two types of plays (list and explain)

1. Tragedies: serious plays with sad endings

2. Comedies: funny plays with happy endings


Who did the Hasmoneans defeat?

The Seleucid Empire (The Greeks)


Who fought in the Peloponnesian Wars and who won?

Sparta fought against Athens, each with their allies, and Sparta won

How was education different for boys and girls in Greece?

Boys went to school and learnt there, while girls stayed at home and were taught by their mothers how to manage the house (like cooking, cleaning, commanding servants)


Define Philosophy

The study of the world using the human mind/logic


What is the main difference between the Ancient Greek Olympics and the modern Olympics?

The Ancient Greek Olympics were religious, and about honoring their gods, while the modern Olympics are not religious, just a competition between countries. 

(Other differences: ancient Olympics were between city-states and modern Olympics are between countries, there are different sports, etc.)


Which empire let the Jews return to Eretz Yisrael and rebuild the Beis Hamikdash?

The Persian Empire


What country was Alexander the Great's father king of, and what did he do that increased their power and helped Alexander conquer the rest of his empire?

His father was king of the northern Greek country Macedonia, and he united all of Greece after the city-states were weakened by the Peloponnesian Wars


What are the two major contributions of Ancient Greece to our society today?

Democracy and philosophy


How do we know about Socrates and his beliefs?

Socrates never wrote anything down, we know about his beliefs from his student Plato who wrote books using his name


What and where is the Parthenon? Why is it so important?

A Greek temple on the Acropolis (highest point) of Athens that still stands today. It is seen as a symbol of democracy.


Name the two time periods that the Jews were able to live in their own land with the Beis Hamikdash under their own rulership?

During the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah, and during the Hasmonean Kingdom


What happened in Classical Greece that makes us call it "Classic"? (Meaning, how did Greece succeed during this time?)

1. Democracy, the "Classic" Greek government, improved and spread

2. "Classic" Greek thinkers were during this time period, such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle

3. "Classic" Greek theater and architecture (such as the Parthenon) were created during this time


How were foreigners treated in Ancient Greece?

They were not citizens and couldn't vote, were looked down upon, and had to pay an extra tax


What idea did Hippocrates introduce to the world and what did the Greeks believe before?

That diseases have natural causes (and can therefore have natural cures/medicine). The Greeks believed before that diseases were caused by gods and could only be cured by making the gods happy.


List three details about Greek architecture. 

1. Buildings usually have columns

2. There are intricate designs/carvings

3. There is symmetry

4. It is usually made out of marble.

5. The Greeks developed complex math to build their buildings.


What tragic event happened during the Ptolemaic Empire and what miracle occurred?

Targum Shivim (The translation of the Torah into Greek, the first time the Torah was ever translated into another language), and all the Sages/Zekanim miraculously translated it the exact same way despite each making changes and being in separate rooms


What is hellenism and how did it spread with Alexander the Great's conquest?

Hellenism is the mixing of Greek culture with other cultures, and it spread with Alexander the Great's conquest because in all the places he conquered: 1. he built Greek cities, 2. increased trade with the Greeks, 3. and introduced Greek cultural policies there (like teaching them the Greek language, or building Greek temples, or opening Greek gymnasiums)


What was the highest social class of Ancient Greece and what 3 groups was this class divided into?

The highest social class was the Greek citizens, who were divided based on wealth and land. There were the 1. Wealthiest landowners with the best land 2. Landowners with worst land 3. Merchants without land