Calm Before the Storm
Retro Recipes
Technology in the Eighties
All Day Breakfast
New York, New York

During a hurricane, an eerie calm occurs when you are

in this part of the storm.

 What is eye? You might even see sunlight during the eye.


This powdered gelatin product was a mainstay of 1960s aspics, like the iconic Perfection Salad.

 What is Jell-O? The 1964 edition of The Joy of Cooking devoted an entire chapter to

Jell-O salads, but the popularity of gelatin aspics declined by the mid-1970s.


This camera company produced its first disposable cameras in 1987.

What is Kodak? The camera was designed for tourists who wanted to take vacation photos, but it had widespread appeal due to its convenience and affordability.


 The name for an ultra-thin and delicate pancake. 

  What is Crepe? In French folklore, there is a tale that crepes were invented by accident when a housewife in Brittany, France, accidentally spilled buckwheat porridge from a kettle on to a flat cooking stone


 Large park in New York City is known for its horse-drawn carriage rides and outdoor concerts.  

What is Central Park? When construction of the park started in 1858, workers planted 500,000 trees, shrubs, and vines. 

Fun Fact: Central Park is the most-filmed location in the world, with over 500 movie credits 


This shaking occurs before a tsunami.

 What is earthquake?  Seismic events caused by the movement of tectonic plates, and when they occur under the ocean, they can trigger tsunamis, which are powerful and fast-moving series of waves that can cause widespread destruction along coastlines. The speed at which tsunami waves travel depends on the depth of the ocean and other factors, but they can reach speeds of up to  800 km per h. in deep water. While they may travel unnoticed across the open ocean, as they approach shallow coastal waters, their height increases dramatically, posing a significant threat to coastal communities.  


This party snack, consisting of a mixture of canned tuna, cream of mushroom soup, and potato chips, was a hit at gatherings in the 1950s.  

 What is tuna noodle casserole? Interesting Fact: Tuna noodle casserole became a popular dish in post-World War II America, as it was easy to prepare using pantry staples and affordable ingredients.  


Apple first introduced this computer in 1984 and changed the future of personal computing for good.

 What is the Macintosh? Mac computers are still popular today, but they look little like the original clunky and low-resolution Macintosh.


 The name of the breakfast pastry that is made up of layers of flaky dough.

What is Croissant? Although all grocery stores stock frozen croissants that need only a few minutes in the oven before being enjoyed, this technology was not introduced until 1981, when the Sara Lee company pioneered a way to freeze the pastries.


Famous landmark stands on an island in New York Harbor and was gifted to the U.S. from France.

What is The Statue of Liberty? The crown’s spikes represent the seven oceans and seven continents of the world. 

Fun Fact: The Statue of Liberty is struck by lightning roughly 600 times a year


If, during a storm, you hear from your safe space what sounds like the roar of an approaching train, assume one of these has touched down.


 What is tornado? 

Tornadoes are violent rotating columns of air that extend from thunderstorms to the ground. The noise they produce is often likened to the sound of a train or a roaring grizzly bear, which can be a warning sign to take immediate shelter


This Hormel canned meat product gained popularity during the 1960s as a breakfast side dish and in sandwiches.

What is Spam? The meat product became a staple for troops serving in World War II, and its popularity spread across the globe.


This portable music player from Sony was first introduced in June 1980, meaning people could take a stereo with them anywhere.

 What is the Walkman? This battery-operated personal cassette player remained popular throughout the decade, with the company branching out into CDs and MP3s as well.


 Breakfast spread is made from plant nectar and never spoils.  

What is Honey? Even 3,000-year-old honey found in Egyptian tombs has been found to still be edible.


 Name of the iconic street in Manhattan known for its theaters and bright billboards.  

What is the Broadway? Broadway is considered the largest and longest street in New York City and runs for 33 miles, some of which is outside the city limits.


These large ice pellets can rattle you and your pets.

 What is hail? In early summer, warm temperatures cause instability, while the upper atmosphere is cold enough to produce hail. Hail forms within strong thunderstorm clouds when updrafts carry raindrops into extremely cold areas of the atmosphere where they freeze into ice pellets. These pellets can then grow larger as they collide with other supercooled water droplets in the cloud, creating layers of ice. 


This popular dessert, made by boiling condensed milk to create a caramel-like filling, was a staple of many Canadian households.  

What is dulce de leche (or "confiture de lait")?  Dulce de leche is a sweet confection commonly used as a filling in cakes, pastries, and candies. In Canada, it is often enjoyed spread on toast or drizzled over ice cream.


On December 2, 1982, a dentist named Barney Clark

became the first person to receive the Jarvik 7, a permanent replacement for this internal organ.

 What is the heart? The Jarvik 7 represented a huge step forward in artificial heart technology. Today, artificial hearts can support a patient for months or even years.


 The name of the sauce that has butter, egg yolks, lemon juice, and pepper?

 Hint: It is used to complete an eggs Benedict breakfast.  

What is the Hollandaise? Although the sauce’s name may indicate roots in Holland, it traces back to northern France.

 Did you know that when the heat becomes too high on a Hollandaise sauce, it’s called breaking? Doing so causes the egg yolks to curdle and the sauce to become grainy


 Department store hosts an annual holiday parade known for its larger-than-life floats and an appearance by Santa.

What is Macy’s? The first Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade was hosted in 1924. The idea of a store-sponsored parade did not originate with Macy’s but rather with Gimbel Brothers department store. However, over the years, the Macy’s event has become one of the most famous holiday parades in the world.


This atmospheric calm, often preceding a storm, occurs as warm, moist air is drawn into the developing weather system, temporarily halting winds and precipitation."

What is the calm before the storm? When warm, moist air is being rapidly drawn into the developing storm system. As the storm approaches, this influx of air can lead to a temporary cessation of winds and precipitation in the immediate vicinity. However, this calm is often short-lived, as it is soon followed by the arrival of the storm itself, bringing strong winds, heavy rain or snow, and other severe weather conditions. 


Sales of this donut-shaped cake pan soared in the

late 1960s and early ’70s, after the “Tunnel of Fudge” cake recipe won second place in the 1966 Pillsbury Bake-Off.

 What is the Bundt pan? The pan was invented in the 1950s, but sales were dismal until Ella Helfrich devised her Tunnel of Fudge recipe using a Bundt pan.


In 1987, a disposable version of this alternative to eyeglasses was invented, a revolutionary concept at the time.

What are contact lenses? Previous to disposable lenses, contact wearers had to carefully clean and maintain their lenses, and misplacing a lens was a costly mistake.


 The name of the popular British breakfast dish made with sausages wrapped in bacon and pastry: pigs in a blanket, toad in the hole, or bangers and mash?  

What is Toad in the hole? The English dish is typically made in a Yorkshire pudding batter and served with onion gravy and vegetables.


 Famous New York zoo is home to 10,000 animals and more than 700 species?

What is The Bronx Zoo? Since opening in 1899, the Bronx Zoo remains one of the largest wildlife conservation parks in the United States. The Bronx Zoo also opened the first modern zoological animal hospital in 1916.