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This character was played in the Lorax by a famous song artist named this

Who is Taylor Swift


This game is a very popular game where characters can communicate and play games together. Examples include Obbys, role plays, and more

What is Roblox


This movie is based on a skeleton who finds Christmas but his holiday is halloween

What is the nightmare before christmas


This character starred in the movie Ariel with the voice of this person 

Who is Jodi Benson


This game includes characters as blocks almost and people can put their creativity by making their own worlds

what is minecraft

This movie has been remade for a number of times where a girl and her mom switch bodies overnight

What is freaky friday


these characters were played by two famous characters who are in a lot of movies together including Jumanjii and Super pets

Who are Dwane the rock Johnson and Kevin hart 


This movie includes a family of ducks and how they migrate. This movie is in theaters currently

What is migration


This movie includes characters as feelings inside of a girls mind

What is inside out