What is the anatomy word for tasting?
What is the anatomy word for smelling?
What is the Auricle?
Outer Ear
Rods see __________ Cones see __________
Light, Color
A _______ is a map of incoming sensory information. Parts of this are changed in size due to the amount of brain dedicated to this sense.
Your sense of_________ is linked with your sense of taste.
Smell (Olfaction)
What detects chemical smell stimuli
Olfactory receptor cells
What is the job of the tympanic membrane?
Vibrates due to sounds waves and moves the malleus (hammer)
This part is the "white" of the eye
This Cranial nerve is responsible for sensory impulses from your sense of smell.
Cranial nerve I (1) Olfactory
Where are the taste buds located?
Below the surface of the tongue.
Olfactory receptor cells are found high up or low in the nose.
High up
How does the cochlea help us with balancing?
Tiny "hairs" respond to movements in fluid and indicate the head's position.
This part of the eye changes shape so you can focus on near and far objects.
This cranial nerve relays information given from the retina of the eye.
Cranial nerve II (2) Optic
What are the bumps on your tongue called?
What is the purpose of mucus?
Dissolving odorant molecules in the air.
What are the three bones in the ear (in latin)
Malleus, Incus, Stapes
This part of the eye is clear, it lets light into the eye, and it is where contact lenses sit.
What branch of the nervous system is the senses?
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
What is the purpose of saliva?
Dissolving food chemicals to taste them.
Olfactory receptor cells --> olfactory neuron --> Olfactory Tract --> _________ --> Brain
Olfactory bulb
What cranial nerve does the cochlea send information to?
Cranial nerve VIII (8)
What muscle closes the eyelid?
Orbicularis Oculi
This nerve adjusts the amount of light entering the eye.
Cranial nerve III (3) Oculomotor