fill in the sentence

Lily and Ann went ........ today.

They like to cook and eat the fish they catch.

Lily and Ann went fishing today.

They like to cook and eat the fish they catch.


We....... to Japan ten times so far.

(am/was/have been)

We have been to Japan ten times so far.


I was ......... at the show.


I was disappointed at the show.


I'm not going to Henry's party today.

Really?.............. It'll be fun.

I'm not going to Henry's party today.

Really?  I am. It'll be fun.


Beethoven wrote ......... music, like symphonies.

Beethoven wrote classical music, like symphonies.


My parents took me to Canada when I was a kid.

We went.......... and saw many interesting places.

My parents took me to Canada when I was a kid.

We went sightseeing and saw many interesting places.


Ken ........ a sports car.

(hasn't never driven/has never driven/never driven)

Ken has never driven a sports car.


The girls were ........ to go to the party.


The girls were excited to go to the party.


I can't wait to go to the trip this summer.

Well, .........  I'm afraid it's going to be too hot.

I can't wait to go to the trip this summer.

Well, I can.  I'm afraid it's going to be too hot.


........... movies are too scary for children.

Violent movies are too scary for children.


There were a lot of exciting car chase in the .......... (movie)

There were a lot of exciting car chase in the action movie.


My mother and I ...... bicycles every week.

(ride/have ridden/rave rode)

My mother and I ride bicycles every week.


Running is..... to me.


Running is relaxing to me.


Sue can't go scuba diving this weekend.

............ I don't have any money to rent equipment.

Sue can't go scuba diving this weekend.

Neither can I. 

 I don't have any money to rent equipment.


......... is an activity you can't do it if you're afraid of heights.

Rock climbing is an activity you can't do it if you're afraid of heights.


In the ......, Will is the killer who never dies. (movie)

In the horror movie,  Will is the killer who never dies. (movie)


Tim ......... a plane.

(never flown/has flown/hasn't never flown)

Tim has flown a plane.


The speech given by the teacher was ........


The speech given by the teacher was boring.


I don't like to go camping in the winter. It's too cold.

............ I like summer better.

I don't like to go camping in the winter. It's too cold.

Neither do I.  I like summer better.


When my brother needs some excitement, he ........

When my brother needs some excitement, he goes skydiving.


Do you want to......?

No, I can't swim and I'm afraid of sharks.

Do you want to go windsurfing?

No, I can't swim and I'm afraid of sharks.


Jill ....... pop music all the time.

(listening to/has listened to/listens to)

Jill listens to  pop music all the time.


The people was ........ by the scenery in the movie.


The people was amazed by the scenery in the movie.


I'm going to eat some candy for lunch today.

Really? ........... I'm going to eat a healthy lunch.

I'm going to eat some candy for lunch today.

Really? I'm not. I'm going to eat a healthy lunch.


My father is going to be in a .........

He can run, ride a bike and swim very well.

My father is going to be in a triathlon.

He can run, ride a bike and swim very well.