Early Warning Signs
Relaspe Triggers
Daily Maintenance Plan
Developing a Wellness Tool Box

What is the definition of an Early Warning Sign? 

Early Warning Signs are internal and may be unrelated to reactions to stressful situations in our lives. They are subtle signs of change that indicate we may need to take some action before things begin to breakdown. 


                           Daily Double 

What is the number one or most effective tool that you can use when you are experiencing any uncomfortable distressing feelings or behaviors? 


              Call or reach out to a good friend 


What is the definition of a Relaspe Trigger? 

Relaspe Triggers are external events or circumstances that may produce uncomfortable distressing feelings and behaviors. If we don't respond to them in some way they may actually worsen and lead to a physical, emotional and mental breakdown and a remittance to Dorothea Dix Psychiatric Hospital. 


What is the definition of a Daily Maintenance Plan? 

A Daily Maintenance Plan is a list of things you do everyday from when you wake up in the morning until you go to bed at night to maintain your wellness. You will be surprised how much better you will feel if you follow your plan each and everyday. 


What is the definitoin of a Wellness Tool Box?

A Wellness tool Box is a list of activities you have done in the past to help yourself stay well and the things you could do in the present to help yourself feel better when you are not doing well. 


Give me 3 examples of a Early Warning sign that may indicate you need take take further action to prevent seeking psyciatric help. 

Anxiety, Under eating, over eating, self dialogue, Easily frustrated, Compulsive behaviors, Pain, Increased irritability, Feelings of hopelessness, Weepiness, Being quite, Lack of motivation, Craving drugs and alcohol. 


How many people should you have on your support team made up of family, friends and your community treatment team? 


                            Four to Five 


Give me 3 examples of a relaspe Trigger that may produce uncomfortable distressing feelings or behaviors that could lead to a physical, emotional and mental breakdown? 

Traumatic news events, Being very over-tired, Work stress, Family friction, Isolation, Financial problems, Physical illness, Aggressive sounding noises, Substance abuse, Extreme guilt, Excessive stress, Hateful outburst by others, Someone trying to tell me how to run my life. 


Give me 3 examples that describe who you are when you are feeling well and at your best? 

Cheerful, Boisterous, A chatter box,  Energetic, Hemorous, A jokester, Suppoertive, Difficult,  Happy,  Dramatic, Athletic, Optimistic, Industrious, Curious, Quiet, Argumentative, A fast learner, Adventurous,   Cautiuos, Out spoken, reserved, Ambitious, Practical, Sensible, Intellectual. 


Give me 2 Wellness Tools that are commonly used to relieve any uncomfortable distressing feelings,  behaviors or symptoms?  


                     All answers excepted 


Pick out the word below that is not an Early Warning Sign? 

Anxiety                  Isolation           Talking to Freinds

The answer is: Talking to Friends 


If you do not have a support team at this time or have trouble making new freinds give me 2 examples of ways you can make new freinds?  

Join a community activity, church, clubhouse or gym, Volunteer at the Humane Society, Homeless shelter etc. Share with others openly and honestly don't try to change them, accept yourself the way you are, Try to find friends who like to do the things you like to do, Lastly listen closely to others when they are sharing. 


Pick out one word below that is not a Relaspe Trigger?

Work Stress              Self Blame             Walking 

The answer is: Walking


How often should you use your Daily Maintenance Plan in the morning, evening, afternoon or from when you wake up in the morning until you go to bed at night?  

Answer is: From when you wake up in the morning until you go to bed at night. 


What are some of the tools that are kept ina toolbox? 

Wrenches, Hand saw, Blood pressure cuff,  Tape measure,  Scalpel,     Air pump gauge, Hammer  Medicatios/Prn's, Screwdrivers, Electricx drill


What are 2 wellness tools that you could use to relieve those Early Warning Signs to help yourself feel the way you want to feel? 

Peer counseling, Go to a 12 step metting, Get plenty of rest, Do things on daily maintenance plan weather feel like it or not, Spend at least 1 hr. involved in an activity I enjoy doing, Write in my journal for at least 15 minutes each day, Tell a supporter/counselor how I am feeling ask for there advice. Ask them how to figure out how to take the action they suggest. 


Give me one reason why confidentiality is an important ingredient when choosing or making new friends? 

They respect your privacy,  Keep your conversations a secert, Won't gossip behind your back, Trust and Respect 


What are 2 wellness tools that you could use to relieve those Relaspe Triggers to help yourself feel the way you want to feel?   

Call a support person like the warm line ask them to listen while I talk thru the situation, Get one thing done that I know I can do well, Work on changing negative thoughts to positive thoughts, Some form of spiritual communication, prayer or mediation to Jesus, Do some deep breathing exercises, Focus on a task that is easy foe me to do well. 


                          Daily Double 

Who could benefit from using a Daily Maintenance Plan?

Anyone who wants to make a positive change in the way they feel or increase the enjoyment in their lives. 


What maintenances and repairs is a toolbox generally used for? 

Carpentry, Automobiles, Anatomy, Motorcycles, Snowmobiles, Bicycles, Computers, Washers, Freezers, Toasters, Radios, Watches. 


Who should I ask to monitor or watch for the Early Warning Signs that may indicate I need to take futher action so I don't end up admitted in a psychiatric hospital.

Your family     Mom/Dad     Friends    Counselor 

Psychiatrist     Your husband/Wife    Co-workers 

Church family    Your neighbor     Psychologist


At times were all forgetful unless we write them down we lose those important telephone numbers right? Give me two places where you should keep the telphone numbers of your support team, family members and freinds?   

On your refridgerator          By you bedside

By the telephone                In your pocket


Okay this is a broad question. Let's go around the room. What is one recreational activity you enjoy doing the kind of thing you get lost in and when your doing it you just can't think of doing anything else? 


                    All anwers excepted! 


Give me 2 things you should do on your journey of recovery to keep your busy lives on track? 

Eat 3 healty meals and 3 healty snacks, Drink at least six- 8 ounce glasses of water to flush your system, Avoid caffeine, sugar, junk food and alcohol, Exercise for at least 1/2 hour a day, Take medications, Get support from someone I can be real with, Go to work if it's a workday. 


When we have certain habits, lifestyles and addictions there may be places, people and substances we'll need to avoid. Give me 2 examples of people, places and substances you may need to avoid on your journey of recovery? 

Alcohol, sugar and excessive caffeine, Going to barrooms, Gettong overtired, Stopping your medications, certain people, Marijuana and drugs