Jobs you will find here

I grow plants and vegetables as food. (Some might raise animals)

Farmer / rancher 


I hem or sew clothes. 

A tailor or a seamstress


I am responsible for building places like homes or buildings.

A construction worker

Also in this field: Masonry (bricks/stone), HVAC (heating and air conditioning units), electricians, plumbers, roofers, carpentry more


This building helps animals in need and they help them find homes.

An Animal Shelter

Name 5 types of teachers

Elementary school, middle school, high school

ESL (English as a Second Language), special education, autistic support, learning support, Math, Science, History, English/Language Arts, Music, Art, Gym, Home Education (sewing/woodshop...)

(You will also find speech therapists, occupational therapists & school counselors, but they go to a different school)


Aim for 2 out of 3:

1)I am someone you would go see if you needed a hair cut. 

2) I can change your hair color, cut it, or style it. 

3) I work with hair AND skin. I can also do makeup analysis. 

1) Barber  2) Hairdresser/hairstylist 3) Cosmetologist 


I write books. These books might be your favorite novels or might be textbooks you have in school.

An Author


I work in an airplane (you can name more than 1)

Flight Attendant, Pilot


In this building you will find: doctors, physician's assistants, nurses, lab technicians, radiologists, and so much more

It has an emergency care, operation department, newborn unit, psychiatric unit

A Hospital


Name 4-5 career titles you will find within a school building. 

Teacher, teacher's assistant, principal, nurse, clerk/secretary, maintenance, cafeteria staff, school counselor, social worker, school resource officer, speech therapists, occupational therapists

I design clothes. I use my creativity and artistic skills to create clothing. (Most likely can sew clothes)

A fashion designer  


You can call me if you have trouble with sinks, toilets, and/or bathtubs.

A plumber


Construction Workers are responsible for building, but I am responsible for drawing/designing what the building will look like outside and inside. 

An Architect


If no one worked here, we would have a hard time finding food. In this place you will find cashiers, managers, butchers, bakers, cooks...

The grocery store


Name 4-5 types of Doctors (Nurses can also specialize to work in some of these fields)

It's ok if you name the body part or specialty

General Practice, Pediatricians (babies/children/teens), Cardiologists (heart), Allergists, Pulmonologists (lungs), ENT Drs (Ears, Throat, Nose), Psychiatrists (mental health), Dermatologists (Skin), Surgeons (surgery), Optometrists (eyes), Dentists, Bones&Muscles.. list goes on



I help people design the inside of their homes, stores or buildings. Think: Choosing the color of a room, art work, furniture colors & placement and much more. 

Interior Designer


I work with electricity and make sure they are safely connected in houses and buildings.

An electrician


I take care of National Parks or National Forests. I check the trails and even help anyone that is visiting. 

A Park Ranger or Forest Ranger


This isn't a building. It is an area or space where you can find park rangers, wildlife scientists

A park: national park, forest, wildlife reserve 


There are several jobs you will find within the military. Name 2-3

Branches: Army, National Guard, Marines, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard

Medic, Drill Sergeant, Recruiters, Teachers, Social Workers/Mental Health therapists, Combat, Mechanic & Engineers, Military Police, Technology, Aviation (pilots, air force)

I love to study science. Name 3 types of scientists:

(doesn't have to be the actual name, you can name the area of science)

Marine (ocean), environmental, biology (life), wildlife/animals, chemists, germs & bacteria, paleontologists, archeologists, astronaut, physics, geologist (rocks), engineer,  (so much more)

Sciences: Life, Applied, Natural, Physical, Earth, Social


I speak more than 1 language. I help prepare documents in other languages and I also help people who need help understanding another language. 

Extra help: A new student arrives at Armstrong and only speaks Italian. I speak English and Italian so I can help them understand what the rules are in the school by doing this...

Translator/ interpreter 

Foreign Language classes are super important! Fun fact: Armstrong families speak 15 languages (Spanish, Portuguese, German, Arabic, Nepali, Chinese (dialect not reported), Nepali, Persian, French, Swahili, Patwa)


I work with technology and computers. 

IT, information technologist, software/ web developer  


These buildings are agencies that have people that help others in the community. They help them find food/clothes/homes or even legal help. They help people find resources.

A community resources building (social or human services)


Actors aren't the only ones you will find Movies and TV Shows, name 3 job titles you will find behind the scenes

Director, Producer, Stage Crew (they put set up the scene), Camera person, Screenwriter (writer), makeup and wardrobe (clothes), voice actors & artists (for animated movies) and more