New Deal Names
New Deal Programs
Money & Finance

This man was the president over much of the Great Depression and creator of the New Deal.

Who is Franklin Delano Roosevelt?


Known as the CCC, this New Deal Act provided jobs by building reservoirs, planting trees, and fighting fires. 

What is the Civilian Conversation Corps?


This term means borrowing money to pay for government programs.

What is deficit spending?


This New Deal term refers to safeguards or relief programs that were supposed to protect the public from economic disaster. 

What are safety nets?


This Republican nominee for president lost the 1932 election, ceding power to the Democrats for the foreseeable future.

Who is Herbert Hoover?


Known as the AAA, this program raised food prices to help farmers during the 30's.

The Agricultural Adjustment Act.


These were a series of radio broadcasts given by FDR, the first of which was used to explain the banking situation to the American public in 1933.

What are fireside chats?


This was FDR's job before becoming president.

What is Governor of New York?


Senator Carter Glass and this representative came up with the New Deal Act that created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Who is Henry B. Steagall?


Known as the TVA, this program created jobs and electricity by building dams in the South.

What is the Tennessee Valley Authority? 


This New Deal legislation provided benefits and insurance to those Americans over the age of 65.

What is the Social Security Act?

This type of workplace discrimination was experienced by both women and African-Americans during the New Deal.

What are lower wages?


This New Deal critic was an ordained Catholic priest and called for nationalized banks and guaranteed income during the 30's.

Who is Father Charles Coughlin?

Known as the WPA, this was the largest New Deal program that created millions of jobs in a variety of fields and industries.
What is the Works Progress Administration?

One of the first acts of the New Deal, this called a bank holiday in 1933 and allowed the federal government to inspect them.

What is the Emergency Banking Relief Act?


Hoover's policy for dealing with the Great Depression, which he called this, was almost opposite of FDR's.

What is rugged individualism?


This woman was the first to hold a presidential cabinet position as Secretary of Labor during the Great Depression.

Who is Francis Perkins?

This New Deal program protected the rights of workers who were part of or wanted to join a union.

What is the Wagner Act?


This Act required publicly traded companies to provide information on their stocks to the public. 

What is the Federal Securities Act?


This program created National Labor Relations Board during the New Deal era.

What is the Wagner ActA?