What is the name of melted lard?
The name of this city comes from the warning scream of "Hey! Shoal!" with which the rafters of the forest who were crossing the Sozh River informed their comrades about the danger.
The most listened to Belarusian artist on Spotify over the past month
Max Korzh
Its pollen contains a mixture of ethanol and narcotics, and wasps are special fans of this flower. And they get so drunk on it that sometimes they can't fly. The most unpleasant thing for them is the fact that it contains no nectar. It seems that the flower just shamelessly fools the head of wasps, putting them on "(narcotic) wheels".
Red pollenhead
Princess of Polotsk. She became a nun at the age of 12 and spent her life helping the poor and building churches and monasteries all over Belarus. She died during a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and her relics were returned to Belarus in 1910. She is canonized, revered as the patroness, the heavenly intercessor of the Belarusian land.
Euphrosyne of Polotsk
What drink is used at the base of the “polivka” soup?
Everyone knows the story about the woman who tried to take revenge on her husband (this husband killed her family and forcibly married her). The attempt was unsuccessful, but against the wrath of her husband the woman was protected by her son. After that, they were deported, and her son became the prince of the city. And the city was named in his honor...
Singer whose last name is similar to the name of the country
Tim Belorusskikh
Water plant. Its small white flower is unremarkable in appearance, but in autumn it transforms into a strange-looking squiggle with four twisted growths in the form of thorns. Its fruits are quite tasty and taste like nuts. Archaeologists testify that our ancestors used it for food quite actively. It played the role of a potato.
The floating water nut, or the Devil's nut.
Belarusian statesman, Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus (since February 2022). Associate Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Ivanets, Andrey Ivanovich
For what holiday is “pryazhenina” prepared?
For a wedding
According to one of versions the name of this city came from the word "elephant". There is a local legend in this city, which is based on the ancient discovery of elephant (mammoth) bones on its territory.
this Belarusian actress starred in such films as: Ruble Policeman, Serf and I'm Losing Weight
Alexandra Bortich
This is one of the world's cutest owls. Now only one pair is known in Belarus. The main threats are hard winters and poisoned food. They feed on rodents, and pesticides do their job. They like to settle near humans in attics, but these places are increasingly being boarded up in Belarusian houses. This leaves no opportunity to nest.
Barn owls
A Soviet partisan during the Great Patriotic War. The commander of the partisan detachment and brigade. He led the operation of the rail war .More than 120 railways and 200 steam locomotives were blown up near Orsha
Constantin Zaslonov
What is the name of the funeral dish in Belarusian cuisine?
According to legend, the name arose after a quarrel between two brothers who lived on the shore of Pripyat and once did not share fish oil among themselves. "My fat!" one shouted in a passion. "No, my fat!" another echoed him. The name of the city came from the mix of these two words
Name one of the two founders of the LSP group
Oleg Savchenko and Roma Englishman
It lives in Belarus only from May to August: it hatches chicks here and then flies to Africa for the winter. Its colouring is mostly blue, bright red and black, and it makes carping sounds. Now there is only one pair of them left. Videos of poachers making words and pictures out of their dead bodies are very widely circulated on the internet.
The world's first female professor of mathematics comes from a noble Belarusian family. She spent her childhood on the Palibino estate in Vitebsk province, and at the age of 18 she entered into a fictitious marriage in order to go abroad and study science. Her works are devoted to mathematical analysis, mechanics, and astronomy
Sofya Kovalevskaya
From which country was the dish “saltison” borrowed?
From Italy
According to legend, this city got its name in honor of its defenders. People calls they "vizh". There were so many of vizhs, that :"there is no number of vizhs." That's where the name came from.
One of this singer's songs became the soundtrack to the film "Troubled Teens"
This plant resembles a kitten: it is fluffy and tender. It is the plant that announces the arrival of spring. At the same time, the plant is absolutely not afraid of low temperatures. Its fruits ripen in early summer. All parts of this plant are poisonous. If you do not wash off its sap in time, you will be left with burns. The flowers, which droop at the beginning of flowering, seem like they sleeping.
An artist, a composer. He created more than a thousand sketches of buildings in Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, and France, which are the most valuable source for architectural historians and restorers in Europe. In 2007, the 200th anniversary of the artist's birth was included in the UNESCO calendar of commemorations
Napoleon Horde