Career Management
Employee Engagement
Managing Dismissal
Employee turnover
Employee life cycle

The occupational positions a person holds over the years.

What is a Career!


The extent to which an employee feels self-motivated, content & satisfied with his/her job.

What is Job Satisfaction


Persistent failure to perform assigned duties or meet prescribed standards

What is Unsatisfactory Performance


This industry can have turnover rates of 70% or higher and some replace entire staff in a year.

What is the restaurant industry?


Includes the Interview, first job, promotion, transfer, retirement

What is the Employee Life Cycle?


The process for enabling employees to better understand and develop their career skills and interests.

What is Career Management!


A measure of how happy your customers are with your product or service. It reflects your business health, loyalty, repeat purchases, lifetime value, and acquisition.

What is Customer Satisfaction


Deliberate and willful violation of employer's rules

What is Misconduct


This industry has a relatively low but increasing turnover rate due to the ongoing problem of low pay

What is the Education Industry?


The best chapter presentation in class this year, possibly of all time

What is the chapter 10 presentation?


A structured sequence of job assignments through which a person progresses in an organization. 

What is Career Path!


A metric that is used to determine the scope of a company's profit in relation to the size of the business and ultimately its success or failure.

What is Profitability


Inability to perform assigned work despite willingness

What is Lack of Qualifications for the Job


Typical questions include, “When you travel to work each day, what are you looking forward to?” and “How can I best support you?”

What is a stay interview?


This process works better when done from inside the company

What are promotions?


What the employer and employee expect of each other is part of what psychologist's call?

What is a Psychological Contract!


The level of emotional commitment and dedication that employees have towards their work, their organization, and its goals.

What is Employee Engagement

Incapability of performing job after changes

What is Changed Requirements of the Job


Workers hitting a ceiling

Low morale

Other offers

No company loyalty

What are the reasons a worker might leave?


Reasons for this may include

-To vacate a position

-To find a better fit

-To boost productivity

What are transfers?


The deliberate process through which someone becomes aware of personal skills, interests, knowledge, motivations, and other characteristics. Identifies career-related goals; and establishes action plans to attain specific goals.

What is Career Planning!


A crucial talent management process that ensures the continuity of key roles within an organization.

What is Succession Planning


ways a manager can measure employee satisfaction

What are Hotlines, complaints, or attitude surveys


These Must be CLEAR and OBJECTIVE!

Comply with Civil Rights Act and anti-discrimination laws

what are promotion procedures