Bottom pointed part of the heart that points to the left hip
What is Apex
Membrane that encloses the heart
What is Pericardium
Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart, thicker walls
What is Arteries
Red blood cells that transport oxygen, lack a nucleus and organelles, shaped like biconcave discs
What is Erythrocytes
A decrease in the oxygen-carrying ability of the blood
What is Anemia
Two top chambers; receive blood returning to the heart and pump blood into the ventricles
What is Atria
Covers the outer surface of the heart
What is Epicardium
Blood vessels that allows exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
What is Capillaries
Liquid part of blood, made mostly of water, in which oxygen, nutrients, and minerals are dissolved
What is Plasma
A genetic disorder that causes abnormal hemoglobin, resulting in some red blood cells having a sickle shape
What is Sickle Cell Anemia
Two bottom chambers; force blood out of the heart into arteries
What is Ventricles
Forms most of the heart wall; layer that contracts
What is Myocardium
Medium sized veins (drain capillary beds)
What is Venules
Fragments of megakaryocytes needed for clotting
What is Platelets
Bone marrow becomes cancerous, excess immature WBCs produced incapable of carrying out protective function
What is Leukemia
Right AV valve located between the right atrium and right ventricle
What is Tricuspid Valve
Heart's inner layer
What is Endocardium
One cell thick, gas and material exchange
What is True capillaries
White blood cells, fight infection
What is Leukocytes
WBC count above 11,000 cells/mm3; generally indicates an infection
What is Leukocytosis
Short loop that runs from the right side of the heart to the lungs back to the heart
What is Pulmonary Circuit
Parietal layer lines the interior of the fibrous pericardium and over the visceral layer is actually part of the heart wall
What is Serous Pericardium
A vessel that directly connects the arteriole and venule at opposite ends of the bed
What is Vascular Shunt
Percentage of blood volume occupied by red blood cells (45%)
What is Hematocrit
WBC count is abnormally low
What is Leukopenia