This is the word for hello and peace
BBYO is this number of years old
The notorious___ sat on the supreme court for 27 years
You add schmear to this
This is the year that Israel became a country
This is the phrase for good morning
Boker Tov
BBYO is an acronym for this
Bnai Brith Youth Organization
This Jewish actor/comedian's daughter recently was the star of the movie he directed
Adam Sandler
Found in barrels of vinegar this fermented food is popular in sandwiches
She was the first female Israeli prime minister
Golda Meir
This is the word for house
BBYO's first boys chapter was founded in this state
this rap singer is Jewish from his mom's side of the family
This culinary delight is sweet, eggy and uses noodles
This is the governing body of the state of Israel
The Knesset
This is the word for car
mechonit or oto
BBYO's International conference will be held here next year
Denver Colorado
He is a young and up coming Hollywood star who is French and originally from New York
This Israeli meat spins on a stick and is usually eaten in a pita
This is the name for the northern region of Israel
The Golan
This is the word for watermelon
BBYO is in this many countries
This actress portrayed Padmé Amidala in star wars
Natalie Portman
This bitter root vegetable is eaten on passover
This is the difference in months between how long men have to serve in the IDF versus women
8 months
Men have to serve for 2 years and 8 months and women have to serve for 2 years