Salty Snacks
Foreign Words We Use in English
Pot Pourri

The shamrock is not the National Symbol of Ireland. The real national symbol is this 22 to 40 stringed Celtic instrument that is featured on the logo for the Guinness beer company. 

What is a harp?


This flower are traditionally worn behind the left ear by Hawaiian women to indicate that they are married, and behind the right ear to indicate that they are single. In the Philippines, children will use its sticky inner liquid to make bubbles with a straw. 

What is Hibiscus?


This tasty, bite-sized treat from McDonalds comes in 4 distinct sizes - the boot, the bell, the bone and the ball. Also, they're delicious when dipped in BBQ sauce. 

What are Chicken McNuggets?


Borrowed from the German, we use this word to mean alter ego or go more sinister with an evil twin. It literally means "double walker" or a shadow of ghost of yourself.

What is Doppelganger?


This kind-hearted Titan wanted to help the humans by giving us access to fire. To punish him, Zeus chained him to a mountain and made an eagle peck out his liver. Not to be a quick punishment, his liver would grow back every night and the eagle would peck at it all over again 

Who is Prometheus?


This alliterative quality is the reason that, as they say, once you learn to ride a bike, you’ll never forget. 

What is Muscle memory?


The Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast began to construct this famously doomed ship on the 31st of March 1909, and it took over two years to complete.

What is the Titanic?


This blue/violet flower comes from the Greek word meaning "water vessel." Not because its thirstier than all the other flowers, but because their seeds look like ancient Greek water jugs. 

What is Hydrangea?


The first machine for cooking this salty treat was developed in 1885 in Chicago by Charles Cretors. It was mobile and ran on gasoline. Nowadays, you can just get a machine that does it with warm air or a bag to toss in the microwave. 

What is popcorn?


This Latin term, usually shortened into M/O, is your pattern or usual way of doing things. Its also a term used in law enforcement, for criminals who continue to use the same M/O in their crimes. 

What is Modus Operandi?

The best known centaur from myth is Chiron, who is described as having been the teacher of heroes such as Achilles. Centaurs have the upper body of a human and the lower body of this animal. 

What is a horse?


These two initials together are shared with many of the characters from the Superman comic books. Also, a certain outdoor store in Freeport . . .

What is LL?


If you go to the titular castle and do this in Ireland, (apparently you are required to be upside down) you will receive the gift of gab.  Jodi did this and did not get the gift of gab. Just the flu. 

What is Kissing the blarney stone?


Before modern materials were developed, the dry stalks of this large yellow flower with tasty seeds were used in the manufacturing of life jackets, they provided buoyancy.

What are sunflowers?

These were declared an unessential food at the outset of World War II and production of them was completely halted for a time. It was only after a protest that the War Production Board reversed the decision. Presently, the average American eats about 6 pounds of these per year. 

What are potato chips?


This word, borrowed from Sanskrit, originally described an individual that was far greater than a teacher or an expert. One could be characterized as a person with influential leadership and exceptional knowledge.

What is a guru?


This is an immortal bird that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again. While it is part of Greek mythology, it has analogs in many cultures, such as Egyptian and Persian. Associated with the sun, it lights itself aflame and then obtains new life by rising from the ashes of its predecessor.

What is a phoenix?


Derived from the Germanic, this first name means Resolute Protector. Let's ask a certain Nye the Science Guy, Playwright Shakespeare and Southern Novelist Faulkner how they think they measure up. 

What is William?


Bram Stoker, writer of this novel about a blood-sucking creature of the night that absolutely does not turn into a bat, was born in Clontarf in County Dublin. He got his inspiration from the Irish Vampire Abhartach. 

What is Dracula?


This yellow flower, the national flower of Wales and sometimes called the narcissus, is the official flower of the 10th wedding anniversary. The official gift that goes with is is tin or aluminum.

What is daffodil?


 This is a thin, usually square, cracker, made from white flour, sometimes yeast (although many are yeast free), and baking soda, with most varieties lightly sprinkled with coarse salt. It has perforations over its surface, as well as a distinctively dry and crisp texture. So good for your soups. Or if you have a sore tum-tum. 

What is a Saltine (or Soda Cracker)?


Snobs rarely like this Greek word for "the many," the masses, "the great unwashed." Perhaps because of the similar sounding term hoity-toity, which mean someone with fancy airs, the phrase is sometimes mistaken for its exact opposite — the elite or upper class. Don't be fooled.

What is Hoi Polloi?


Cerberus is one of these animals, except unlike its modern counterparts, it has 3 heads. He is tasked with guarding the gate to the Underworld, not to keep anyone out but to keep any errant souls from escaping. 

What is a dog?


in 1932, soldiers in Australia fought a month-long battle against these large land animals. You might think it a wildly unfair fight, with the humans using machine guns, but the guns jammed and gave the big-eyed weirdos an advantage and small victory. 

What are Emus?


Most of the history we were taught says that a fungus killed this tuber crop, making it so the Irish were starving and fleeing the country. In reality, they didn't die from the lack of this one crop so much as they were forced to give the food they grew and created to the English. 

What are potatoes?

What with the song, you might think the Yellow Rose is the state flower of this "everything is bigger here" state. But, in fact, its the bluebonnet. 

What is Texas?


This cheesy "snack that smiles back" has a very recognizable shape that literally has an eye and a smile that looks back at you. The cheese flavor remains the most popular, though since its creation in 1962, you've been able to enjoy them in other flavors like Old Bay Seasoning, Cinnabuddy and Flavor Blasted Graham. 

What are Goldfish?


This Yiddish word is used to describe someone with a remarkable sense of audacity.  When you have it, you say what you think without worrying about hurting someone's feelings, looking silly, or getting in trouble. 

What is Chutzpah?


He was the bravest, handsomest, and greatest warrior of the army of Agamemnon in the Trojan War. As a child, his mother dipped him in the waters of the River Styx, by which means he became invulnerable, except for the part of his heel by which she held him.

Who is Achilles?


He is the first toy to be advertised on television. At the time, however, he was just a bunch of plastic noses, hats and glasses to stick into something most people already had in their pantry. 

Who is Mr Potato Head?