Sur quel fleuve est situé Paris?
La Seine
In honour of whom was Big Ben named?
Benjamin Hall
It is a game between two teams and is played on a field with a bat and a small white ball. Each team consists of nine players. The game has nine innings. The teams take turns playing in the field and batting the ball.
Quelles sont les trois couleurs du Drapeau français?
Bleu, Blanc et Rouge
Who famously led the British invasion of the American music scene in the 1960s?
The Beatles
Which ocean washes Great Britain?
The Atlantic Ocean
What was the Tower Bridge like in different eras?Arrange them in the correct order.
1. The palace
2.The fortress
3. Prison
What was the Tower Bridge like in different eras?Arrange them in the correct order.
1. The palace
2. The fortress
3. Prison
4. The museum and the armory, which displays the treasures of the British crown
5. The zoo
6. Arsenal
2. The fortress
3. Prison
6. Arsenal
1. The palace
5. The zoo
4. The museum and the armory, which displays the treasures of the British crown
Read the description and tell what kind of game it is. “It is a rather violent game, that is why the players must be big and strong. Another requirement for the players is to wear helmets, masks and chest and shoulder padding.”
Ce qui était le Roi de france Louis XIV, connu comme?
Le Roi Soleil
What is the name of the popular social media app that allows users to create short videos set to music?
Quelles sont les plus hautes montagnes de la France?
Les Alpes
How many rooms are there in the Buckingham Palace?
775 rooms
Which famous and beloved sport was born in England?
Qui est l'auteur de cette peinture?
Claude Monet
What is the most popular sport in the UK?
What is the name of the UK's tallest mountain?
Ben Nevis
Quel musée à Paris a été construit à l'origine comme un palais Royal?
Le Louvre
Quel sport National en France?
Tennis, cyclisme
Quelle est la devise de la France?
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
Who is the patron saint of Ireland?
Saint Patrick
What is the name of the famous lake located in the north of Great Britain?
Loch Ness
Combien de tonnes pèse la tour Eiffel?
10 100 tonnes
Quel est le nom de la course de vélo la plus célèbre au monde?
Tour de France
L'écrivain français Guy de Maupassant n'aimait pas du tout la Tour Eiffel, mais il avait l'habitude d'y manger tout le temps dans le restaurant situé au premier niveau de la Tour.
Pourquoi ? Comment l'écrivain l'explique-t-il ?
L'écrivain Guy de Maupassant disait que c'était le seul endroit dans tout le grand Paris d'où l'on ne pouvait pas voir la Tour Eiffel.
Whose failed plan to blow up Parliament is remembered on bonfire night?
Guy Fawkes