The Progressive Era
The Roaring 20s
The Great Depression
Presidents and Criticism
The New Deal and Roosevelt

This is a term given to authors, writers, and journalists who exposed some of the dangerous tactics of business during the industrial age. 

What is Muckraking?


This was a movement in New York that stood to celebrate African American culture and is associated with the work of Langston Hughes and Louis Armstrong.

What is the Harlem Renaissance? 


This is another name given to the inciting incident of the Great Depression, the crashing of the United States Stock Market that occured from too many people buying on margin. 

What is Black Tuesday?


Rugged American individualism, the importance of charity, and trickle-down economics are associated with this American President.

Who is Herbert Hoover?


The Bank holiday and the FDIC were designed by President Roosevelt in order to fix issues occuring in which financial sector?

What are banks?


These were three different practices that were implemented to increase the citizen's influence in government in the Progressive Era. 

What is the referendum, recall, and initiative? 


The rise of organized crime and smuggling led to the repealing of this Constitutional Amendment and the ending of Prohibition. 

What is the 18th Amendment?


True or False: Bank failure is considered one of the most important consequences of the stock market crashing and is what led to thousands of Americans losing their money. 



These Radio broadcasts were utilized by President Roosevelt in order to inform the American people of his plans as well as to to ease the nerves of the Depression. 

What are the Fireside Chats?


These were the 3 Rs of the New Deal that President Roosevelt sought to utilize with the different acts.

What is Reform, Recovery, and Relief?


This photographer exposed many of the dangerous and horrible conditions of tenement housing in the cities.

Who is Jacob Riis?

A fear of this political and economic philosophy led to the Red Scare, the Palmer Raids, and the Sacco and Vanzetti Trials

What is Communism?


This was an environmental issue localized in the midwest of the United States that caused thousands of farmers to move West to attempt to find a job and a place to plant their crops. 

What is the Dust Bowl?


True or False: President Roosevelt being elected for a third and fourth term was largely uncontroversial and no consequences ever came from it. 



This is one of the organizations that was established by FDR that sought to give people jobs following the Great Depression. 

What is the CCC?

What is the PWA?

What is the WPA?


This Amendment led to the creation of universal suffrage for women, allowing them to finally be able to vote in every state. 

What is the 19th Amendment?


This hate group, romanticized in the American film Birth of a Nation, had a sort of revival in the 1920s.

What is the KKK?


These were a series of shantytowns that people lived in during the Great Depression that were meant to mock the President at the time. 

What are Hoovervilles?


These were two of the major critics of President Roosevelt's New Deal that saw him as not doing enough to help the people.

Who is Father Coughlin and Senator Huey Long?


This is a term coined by FDR to represent the individual who is harmed by the Great Depression that the President sought to help with the New Deal.

Who is the Forgotten Man?


This author wrote the incredibly controversial book "The Jungle" which called out dangerous practices in the meat packing industry which inspired the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act. 

Who is Upton Sinclair?


This was a new bursting market that people began utilizing extensively during the 20s that held the potential to make somebody incredibly rich. 

What is the stock market?


This was the name given to a group of American WWI Veterans who peacefully protested in Washington DC in order to receive promised funds that Congress promised following the war. 

Who is the Bonus Army?

This was a controversial strategy of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt that would have allowed for him to appoint new judges to the Supreme Court

What is the Court Packing Plan?

The SEC allows the government to have more control over what financial service?

What is the stock market?