Racial and Government Resentment
Zero Sum Fallacy
The Solidarity Dividend

Public pools were once an attempt to level the playing field by providing goods accessible to everyone. After Black people were included due to legislation requiring the desegregation of pools, the communities response was to?

drain and fill in their public pools  


What flawed belief suggests that gains for one group necessarily result in losses for another?

What is the zero-sum fallacy?


What was the name of the town in the Northeast that McGhee discussed in Chapter 10 in regard to a small-town success story in relation to solidarity? 

Lewistown, Maine


McGhee argues that racial and government resentment are fueled by this fear of losing privilege and status to marginalized groups.

What is white fear?


Discuss how education is sometimes viewed through a zero-sum context and the consequences of this

Professor Judges!


- investment in one public school as a cost to others

- affirmative action 


Describe the social and economic benefits of immigrants to rural towns as discussed in Chapter 10

Professor Judges!


Social- close community, social network

Economic- revitalized economy, occupied storefronts, business success


Racism has created a perception of undeserving racialized people resulting in many white Americans doing what come election season? 

What is vote against their best interests


Discuss examples in the book where zero-sum theory is analyzed when looking at jobs and careers? 

Professor Judges!


-manufacturing jobs in factories and how there was little room for promotions that disproportionately affects people of color based on how the company was founded 

The restoration of what does McGhee specifically highlight in Chpt.10 as vital for solidarity to occur that relate to aspects such as infrastructure, education, finances, etc.? 

the restoration of public goods and services for all 


The shift in racial attitudes from overt biological racism to more subtle forms of discrimination based on perceived culture and behavior

Racial Resentment


Provide examples of policies/laws that feed into/and even contribute to the zero-sum game fallacy

Professor Judges!


- excluding non-citizens from certain jobs

- resource allocation in education 


Discuss what the McGhee means by the solidarity dividend and examples of this mentioned in the book

Professor- up to you!


- when communities/societies come together in solidarity across racial and social lines to promote equity


On a scale of 1 to 10, the average white scoring of anti-Black bias was 3.6, but whites rated anti-white bias as a



Based on McGhee's discussion, how does the zero sum fallacy relate to environmental issues? 

Example: pro-environmental policies can both address climate change promote social well-being and even create economic opportunities- the economy does not have to come at the expense of such policies

McGhee highlights 5 Potential strategies to fixing the current social, racial, and economic climate of the US. Name all 5! 

  1. We have reached the productive and moral limit of the zero sum economic model and have no choice but to work towards a solidarity dividend

  2. Refill the pool of public goods for everyone 

  3.  Resist the urge to use universal instruments to attend universal ends 

  4. Getting white support to address those different levels of need and acknowledging the racism that causes those differences/Uprooting the zero sum as well as embedding the value of the knowledge that we need each other

  5. We have to get on the same page as a people (creating and understanding the truth of our shared history and moving forward with a new story)