What is Ethos?
Credibility of the speaker.
What is a Visionary leader?
Someone who mobilizes people toward a goal but does not indicate how they need to get there?
What is an Independent source?
Someone who is unbiased regarding the issue.
What is the Cultural World?
Quest for MEANING
Relates to the history of the GROUP
Religion, daily life, language, traditions, tolerance, diversity
What is the difference between formal and informal language?
Formal = polite, formal grammar, high vocabulary
Informal = casual, short sentences, simple words
What is logos?
Using logic, facts and statistics to make your point.
What is an Affiliative leader?
Someone who creates harmony and builds emotional bonds among the team.
What are Multiple sources?
When you have a balanced number of sources from both/all sides.
What is the Social World?
Quest for EQUITY
Relates to the INDIVIDUAL
Education, social status, segregation, roles
List at least 3 of the 7 Active Listening Techniques.
Encouraging, Eliciting, Restating, Clarifying, Empathizing, Summarizing, Reframing
What is Pathos?
Appealing to people's emotions.
What is a Democratic leader?
Someone who seeks the input of their team to create buy-in.
What is a Verifiable source?
When you know where the information came from and can check that it is accurate.
What is the Economic World?
Relates to people's standard of living
Work, resources, land, labor, trade, buying, selling, products
What are the 5 criteria of Newsworthiness?
timeliness, proximity, conflict/controversy, human interest, relevance
Give ONE specific technique of Ethos.
Quoting a respected person/Acknowledging the other side/Seeming similar to the audience/Showing authority on the topic.
What is a Pacesetting leader?
Someone who sets high standards for performance and demonstrates them.
What is an Authoritative/Informed source?
When the source is knowledgeable/an expert on the topic.
What is the Political World?
Quest for SECURITY
Relates to the political-legal structure of society
government, courts, military, police, voting, taxes
What are the 3 Elements of Public Narrative?
Story of Self - makes the speaker relatable
Story of Us - unite the listeners
Story of Now - call to action
Why do speakers use Ethos, Logos and/or Pathos?
To persuade their audience to follow their call to action/believe what they want them to believe.
Which leadership style is best to use in a crisis?
Give one word that is typically used when a source is NOT named (anonymous)?
Allegedly, claimed, likely, probably, reportedly
What are the FOUR elements of Sovereignty?
What are the 4 categories of the Code of Ethics for Journalists?
seek truth and report it
minimize harm
act independently
be accountable