Famous People in Psychology
Careers in Psychology
Psychology Theories
William Wundt
History of Psychology

This American psychologist is known for his hierarchy of needs and theory of motivation.

  • Who is Abraham Maslow?

This type of psychologist specializes in helping individuals cope with emotional, mental, and behavioral issues.

What is a clinical psychologist?


This psychological theory emphasizes the importance of unconscious conflicts and early childhood experiences in shaping personality.

What is psychoanalytic theory?


This German psychologist is often referred to as the "father of psychology."

Who is William Wundt?


This type of psychologist specializes in helping individuals cope with emotional, mental, and behavioral issues.

What is a clinical psychologist?


 This Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst is famous for his work on dream analysis and the concept of the collective unconscious.

Carl Jung


 Psychologists working in this setting may conduct research on topics such as memory, cognition, or social behavior.

What is a university or academic setting?


 This theory suggests that behavior is influenced by environmental factors and learning experiences.

What is behaviorism?


William Wundt founded the first psychology laboratory in this year.

What is 1879?


 Psychologists working in this setting may conduct research on topics such as memory, cognition, or social behavior.

What is a university or academic setting?


This American psychologist is famous for his social learning theory, which emphasizes the role of modeling and observational learning.

Albert Bandura?


This branch of psychology focuses on how individuals interact with their social environments.

What is social psychology?


his perspective in psychology focuses on how individuals perceive, think, and solve problems.

What is cognitive psychology?


Wundt's approach to psychology focused on this type of conscious experience.

What is introspection?


 This branch of psychology focuses on how individuals interact with their social environments.

What is social psychology?


This American psychologist is known for his theory of multiple intelligences, which proposes that intelligence is not solely measured by IQ.

Who is Howard Gardner?


 Psychologists working in this field may assist in jury selection, provide expert testimony in court, or evaluate defendants' mental competence.

What is forensic psychology?


This theory emphasizes the role of biological factors, such as genetics and brain chemistry, in influencing behavior and mental processes.

What is biological psychology?


 Name one major contribution of William Wundt to the field of psychology.

 establishment of psychology as an experimental science, development of introspection as a research method, differentiation between structuralism and functionalism


Psychologists working in this field may assist in jury selection, provide expert testimony in court, or evaluate defendants' mental competence.

What is forensic psychology?


This Russian psychologist is famous for his theory of cognitive development, which describes the stages of intellectual development in children.

Who is Jean Piaget?


his type of psychologist works to improve workplace productivity, employee morale, and organizational structure.

What is an industrial-organizational psychologist?


This theory proposes that behavior is motivated by the pursuit of personal growth, fulfillment, and self-actualization.

What is humanistic psychology?


Wundt's psychological perspective was heavily influenced by this philosophical tradition.

What is German voluntarism?


 This type of psychologist works to improve workplace productivity, employee morale, and organizational structure.

What is an industrial-organizational psychologist?