Effective Communication
Conflict Resolution

What polite expression should you use when you ask for something?

'May I please have...?'


What does it mean to show empathy towards someone?

Understanding and sharing other people's emotions.

Putting yourself in someone else's shoes.


Why is it important to speak clearly when communicating with others?

To ensure your message is understood correctly.

What is a healthy way to solve a disagreement with a friend?

Talking calmly, listening, and finding a compromise. 


What qualities make a good friend?

Being loyal, supportive, trustworthy, kind, and more! 


Name two ways to show respect to others.

Respecting others opinions, listening while others are speaking, being kind, holding a door, and many others!


Why is it important to listen when someone is talking to you about their feelings?

It shows you care about their emotions and experiences. It builds trust and strengthens relationships.


What is active listening and what might it look like?

To listen to what someone is saying while also being thoughtful and understanding. It shows respect.

Eye contact/body facing the speaker. Nodding. Making sure not to interrupt. Asking questions when we don't understand. Restating what the speaker said to make sure we understood correctly. 


Why is it important to stay calm during a conflict?

It helps in finding a solution rather than escalating the conflict.


Why is it important to be loyal in a friendship?

Loyalty allows others to trust you and this strengthens relationships.


 Why is it important to say "please" and "thank you"?

It shows appreciation and it is polite.


 How can you help a friend who is feeling sad?

Listening, offering support, spending time with them, offering a hug.


What can you do to make sure you understand what someone is saying to you?

Restate what they have said. Ask questions.


Name a strategy for resolving a conflict peacefully.

Using "I" statements, finding common ground, or seeking help from a mediator.


How can you show support to a friend in need?

Being there for them, offering help, showing empathy.


How should you greet someone you meet for the first time?

A handshake, a friendly smile, 'Hi, nice to meet you!', and more


Name one way you can show empathy towards someone who is going through a tough time.

Listening without judgment, offering to help, saying something thoughtful. 


Give an example of using "I" statements for effective communication.

'I feel ____ when ____'

 (Ex: I feel frustrated when I am interrupted.)


How can compromise help in resolving conflicts?

Compromises are a middle ground that allows both parties to be satisfied.

What should you do if you have a disagreement with a friend?

Communicate openly, listen to their side of things, work together to solve the problem, apologize if necessary!


Give an example of showing good manners at the dinner table.

Saying 'please', 'thank you', or 'excuse me', staying off of your phone or electronics, listening when others are speaking, chewing with your mouth closed, and more!


Describe a situation where showing empathy can help resolve a conflict.

Understanding someone's emotions can help to find a solution together.


What are some non-verbal cues that can affect the message you are trying to communicate?

Body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions can impact how your message is received.


Describe one thing you can do to resolve a conflict. 

Truly listen to the other person's perspective/ feelings, share your own perspective and feelings, stay calm, ask questions, try to understand.


Give an example of a fun activity you can do with friends to strengthen your bond.

Going to a movie, playing a game, going for a hike.