Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships
Online Safety
Self Care/Coping Skills
Safe Adults

People often times have a hard time disclosing that they are in an unhealthy relationship?

True. Often times people do not accept the warning signs that a relationship is unhealthy. Making changes and removing someone from your life can be scary and people will come up with excuses or forgive the unhealthy behavior.


What are some signs that healthy communication is not happening?

yelling, fighting, jealousy, fear of sharing your feelings, silent treatment


How can texting poorly affect communication?

It is easy to misinterpret what someone means when reading a text. It is equally as difficult to relay what you mean effectively through text.


What are 3 examples of coping skills?

listening to music, playing with a fidget, deep breathing


What qualities do safe adults have?

trust, calm when you share information, boundaries 


Being angry is okay. The way you handle your anger is important.

True. Anger is a natural feeling but there are positive and negative ways to work through that anger. Examples of negative expression would be yelling, swearing, or physical outbursts. Some examples of handling anger would be to use a coping skill, walk away, deep breathing, working out.


What is the key to having healthy relationships?



 What are some appropriate things you could share online?

 funny memes, books, music, hobbies.


What are some examples of self care?

showering, working-out, skin care, healthy diet


Give some examples of safe adults

parent, teacher, coach, counselor 


Self isolation is a positive coping skill.

False, some examples of positive coping skills are talking a walk, taking with friends or trusted adults, journaling, or listening to music.


What is a relationship?

A relationship is any kind of connection you have to another person. You may experience family, working, or romantic relationships. You also have a relationship with yourself and others in the community. Each of those relationships look different.


 What should you do if you saw inappropriate things being shared on snap chat, Facebook, or Instagram.

report the activity online or tell a trusted adult. 


What are two ways to encourage a healthy relationship with yourself?

positive self talk, prioritize time for yourself, use a growth mindset 


Who could you talk to if you or a friend is in an unhealthy relationship?

parent, teacher, counselor


People who experience unhealthy relationships often blame themselves, true or false?

True. Often time people in the situations blame themselves and question what they could have done differently to avoid the conflict.


What are 3 signs of a healthy relationship?

open communication, trust, honesty, respect, other various answers accepted


What are some things you should never share online?

 address, personal information, inappropriate content.


What are negative coping skills?

self harm, isolations, substance use


What should you do if you thought someone was a trusted or safe adult but start to feel unsure or unsafe?

talk to a counselor, parent, or any other safe adult 


A relationship is only unhealthy if there is physical violence.

False. Unhealthy relationships could be physical, verbal, emotional, financial, or any combination of those. 


What are boundaries in a healthy relationship? Give an example

boundaries are a set of "rules" or "things" you have identified make you feel safe and comfortable in your relationships. Example, not wanting to be hugged- the other person will respect that 


Who are safe people to talk to on the internet?

Only people you know.


What are some ways you can calm down when you are having big feelings?

deep breathing, put your head down to rest, walk away and reset


 What are some unhealthy things you should feel comfortable and safe talking to your safe adult about?

bullying, body changes, friends, mental health.