What does the acronym IDE stand for in the context of software development?

A) Integrated Development Environment 

B) Interactive Design Environment

 C) Intelligent Development Environment

 D) Integrated Design Environment

A) Integrated Development Environment


What is the main difference between HTTP and HTTPS?

A) HTTP is secure, while HTTPS is not 

B) HTTP uses a different port than HTTPS 

C) HTTPS encrypts data sent over the network, while HTTP does not 

D) HTTPS is faster than HTTP

C) HTTPS encrypts data sent over the network, while HTTP does not


What is the purpose of a constructor in Java?

A) To create a new object 

B) To initialize the state of an object 

C) To destroy an object

 D) To provide access to private variables

What is the purpose of a constructor in Java?


In object-oriented programming, what is encapsulation?

A) Combining data and methods into a single unit 

B) Hiding the complexity of an object's internal structure 

C) Allowing objects to inherit properties and behaviors from other objects

 D) Restricting access to certain parts of an object

B) Hiding the complexity of an object's internal structure


Which data structure uses a Last In First Out (LIFO) approach?

A) Queue 

B) Stack 

C) Tree

 D) Linked List

B) Stack