Fun Facts
Traffic Safety Program

Serves town governments by providing training programs, research and information services, technical assistance, legal services, insurance programs, and a variety of member towns in NYS.

What is the Association of Towns?


This area on the Black River is known to be a boating hazard near Carthage.

What is the "Squash Hole?"


This program was grant funded through the Governor's Traffic Safety Committee and located within the Tug Hill Commission.

What is the Traffic Safety Coordinator program?


$100 billion to build "megafab" in Central New York.

What is Micron?


This town recently joined RACOG?

What is the Town of Watson (February 2024)?


Enables local governments, private organizations, and individuals to shape the future of the Tug Hill Region, and to demonstrate/communicate ways that this can be done by other rural areas.

What is the Tug Hill Commission?


These four towns, in the RACOG Region, were established between 1800 and 1813.

Who are the town of Champion, Wilna, Lowville, and Denmark?


Supports the development of a comprehensive safety action plan that identifies significant roadway safety concerns and the implementation of projects and strategies to address safety issues.

What is the Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant Program (SS4A)?


The Village of Lowville received funding, under this initiative, in early 2024.

What is the Downtown Revitalization Initiative?


Technical assistance and grants for intermunicipal projects targeting shared opportunities, cost savings, and delivery of efficient, quality services.

What is the Local Government Efficiency Grant Program (LGeG)?


Consolidate the environmental review and permitting of major renewable energy facilities in NYS into a single forum that provides coordinated and timely review of siting permit applications.

What is the Office of Renewable Energy (ORES)?

The snowfall in Redfield, NY this winter season was _______ feet less than 10 years ago.

A. 6 feet        B. 9 feet        C. 14 feet        D. 22 feet

What is 14 feet?


Funds a variety of transportation-related projects which increases options for non-vehicular transportation (infrastructure-related projects; safe routes to school; etc.).

What is the Transporation Alternative Program (TAP)?


These municipalities are currently developing joint comprehensive plans (Jefferson/Lewis Counties).

What is the Town of Wilna and Villages of Carthage and Deferiet?

What is the Town of Denmark and Villages of Castorland and Copenhagen?


Provides opportunities for you to improve your community, access increased grant funding, and earn recognition for clean energy solutions for communities.

What is the NYSERDA Clean Energy Communities Round 3.0?


Serves the best interest of the public by promoting sustainable clean water quality management through science, education, and training.

What is the New York Water Environment Association?


This 65-mile interlocking trail system provides opportunities for horse riding and camping between the town of Watson and the town of Greig in Lewis County.

What is the Otter Creek Trail


Funds projects that support the reduction of transportation emissions in small urban and rural areas.

What is the Carbon Reduction Program (CRP)?


A certification program for local governments that are taking action to support housing growth to address the housing shortage throughout the state.

What is the New York State Pro-Housing Communities Program?


Short-term, highly liquid investment fund, designed specifically for the public sector; strives to prioritize safety, liquidity and yield.

What is the New York Cooperative Liquid Assets Securities System (NYCLASS)?


An association of, and for, cities and villages in New York of local government officials focused on providing essential municipal services.

What is the New York State Conference of Mayors and Municipal Officials (NYCOM)?


The overall population of the RACOG area.

A. 15,000

B. 19,000

C. 23,000

D. 31,000

What is C 23,000?


This service, provided by the Tug Hill Commission, can gather data on identified roadways which includes vehicles classes, estimated vehicle speeds, vehicle counts, traffic capacity, etc.

What is the Metrocount Traffic Counter?

This county program recently announced four grant programs which include Small Things, Big Impacts; Community Connections Fund; Building Business Fund; and Vacant Property Revitalization Fund for 2024.

What is Naturally Lewis/The Lewis County Development Corporation's Community Economic Development Program?


Preserves and protects affordable housing and invests in economically vibrant communities by working with many private, public and nonprofit partners to create safe, healthy and affordable housing opportunities for all New Yorkers.

What is the NYS Homes and Community Renewal (HCR)?