Layers of the Earth
Weathering and erosion
More about rocks
Minerals and mining

True or false 

If this liquid rock reaches the surface of the earth, is it then called magma.


If this liquid rock reaches the surface of the earth, is it then called lava.


Name 3 types of rocks 

sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic


True or false

Erosion is the physical and chemical breakdown of rocks over time due to certain conditions 

Weathering is the physical and chemical breakdown of rocks over time due to certain conditions


True or false 

Heat and pressure create sedimentary rocks


Heat and pressure create metamorphic rocks


Define mineral

•A mineral is a natural occurring solid or liquid in the Earth’s crust, not including coal or oil.


•Rocks are made up of chemical substances called minerals

Define magma 

Magma is the term used to describe liquid rock found underneath the Earth’s crust.


What is a fossil? 

Fossils are the preserved remains, or traces of remains, of ancient organisms.


List methods of physical weathering. 

One point for each method

Physical weathering includes
1. temperature change
2. the movement of water and ice, wind
3. plant growth
4. crystallisation of salts.


Basalt, pumice and obsidian are all examples of what? 

Igneous Rocks


How can you test the hardness of minerals? 

1. Using Mohs hardness scale
2. Using commonly available materials with known comparative hardness 


What is the lithosphere?  

The lithosphere is the brittle crust and uppermost mantle. The lithosphere rests on the asthenosphere.


Explain why igneous rocks have crystals? 

Bonus point: explain the reasoning behind the differing in crystal size between igneous rocks. 

When magma or lava cools and solidifies, the particles inside may clump together to form structures called crystals.

Bonus question answer: 

•The size of crystals depends upon how slowly the melted rock cools down.

•The slower the cooling of the rock the larger the crystal.


List an 3 agent of chemical weathering. 

Chemical weathering involves water and chemicals in the water and air reacting with the rock and changing it.

•Gases – Air contains oxygen and carbon dioxide. Often these gases can react with the different minerals found within the rock and change them into a different substance that does not hold together as strongly. This causes the rock to crumble. 

•Acids – Rainwater often absorbs lots of carbon dioxide making it become acidic. This acidic rainwater slowly dissolves and breaks down rock. Pollution can also make water acidic.

•Water – often rocks have soluble material in them. When water runs over the rock, the water will dissolve certain products which will remove the ‘cement’ that holds them together.


True or false 

Rocks undergoing metamorphic changes may develop layers or bands in a process called foliation.


The amount of banding depends on the amount of heat and pressure.

Not all metamorphic rocks show bands. Metamorphic rocks without bands are known as non-foliated (unbanded).


List 3 common mineral exploration methods. 

1. Aerial 

2. On-site 

3. Satellite survay


The structure of the earth is divided into four major components. 

What are they? 

1. the crust

2 the mantle

3 the outer core

4. the inner core


Explain how sedimentary rocks form?

Sedimentary rocks are made from tiny rock fragments created by weathering and erosion.

These tiny rock sediments are cemented together using water, heat, pressure and certain substances that act as “glue”.


Define deposition? 

Deposition is when small particles have been moved by erosion and settle and form small land masses.


Outline what the rock cycle demonstrates 

•The rock cycle is a model that geologists use to explain the endless cycle of change that rocks undergo.

•Rocks do not always stay the same after they are formed.

•Weathering continually breaks them down into smaller pieces

•These pieces are then carried away by agents of erosion (water, wind, ice). (erosion)

•The pieces can deposited as sediment (deposition) as sediment and re-form into sedimentary rocks.

•Any rocks can also be melted by magma and turned into a metamorphic rock.


List the 4 main physical properties used to identify minerals. 




•Streak of mineral (colour)


Identify and explain how the 2 main types of igneous rocks form? 

•Extrusive Igneous rock is formed when lava cools down.

•Intrusive Igneous rock is formed when magma cools down.


Explain how metamorphic rocks are formed? 

Metamorphic rocks form when high temperature and pressure alter existing igneous and sedimentary rocks and turn then into a different type of rock.

Rock + Heat + Pressure = Metamorphic Rock


Explains how landforms can be created due to weathering and erosion

Weathering is the physical and chemical hammer that breaks down and sculpts the rocks. Erosion transports the fragments away. Working together they create and reveal marvels of nature. 


Explain how recrystallisation occurs with metamorphic change?  

Heat and pressure can melt rock, causing a process called recrystallisation where new crystals grow as the rock cools down.

When the rock is molten the particles can move around, and the new minerals form in the process


List any 4 of the minerals on Moh's hardness scale. 

Bonus if you can list there scale number

Diamond 10
Corundum 9
Topaz 8
Quartz 7
Orthoclase 6
Apatite 5
Fluorite 4
Calcite 3
Gypsum 2
Talc 1