The Stages of Change
Coping Skills

This is the first stage of change (five total) categorized by someone who sees no need to change or receive help

What is Pre-contemplation?


Alcoholism Risk Factors include which of the following?

A) Early Drinking             B) Family History

C) Mental health conditions  D) All of the above

D) All of the above 

Research shows those who drink before age 15 are 5x more likely to develop a drinking problem as an adult. Genetics and environment play hand-in-hand roles in the prevalence of alcoholism. Depression, PTSD, and anxiety can contribute to alcoholism.


This is the legal Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) allowed in control of a motor vehicle in New Jersey.

What is .08?


Centering and grounding yourself by focusing on your senses, surroundings, and current moment is this type of coping skill

What is mindfulness?


This hallucinogenic drug is often laced with marijuana.

A) K2 - spice                B) Heroin

C) PCP/Angel Dust        D) Fentanyl

C) PCP/Angel Dust


This stage of change is where someone has implemented their plan and is actively taking steps to change behaviors.

What is the Action Stage?

Alcohol is a member of this category of substances.

What is Depressants?


This is the legal Blood Alcohol Content for minors (under 21) operating a motor vehicle.

What is .01?


Coping skills are used to avoid problems in our lives


False: Coping skills are used to help WORK THROUGH problems in a healthy way.


Making modifications to these three concepts help greatly in early recovery

What are People, Places, and Things?

This is the stage of change where someone has researched resources, listed pros and cons, and created a plan of behavioral/emotional change

What is the Preparation Stage?

Acute alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be characterized by:

A) Shaking/tremors       B) Irritability/agitation

C) Seizures                   D) All of the above

D) All of the above


You may refuse to take a breath test without penalty if you know your rights.


False - immediate suspension of license, $300-$500 fine for first refusal

Comforting yourself through your five senses like sniffing a candle or taking a shower is type of coping skill. (Hint: self-________ behaviors)

What are self-soothing behaviors?


This sober artist has publicly struggled with substance abuse in past, naming some of their albums "Relapse" and "Recovery"

Who is Eminem?


This is the stage of change where someone is considering the harmful consequences and impact of their behavior in their relationships, jobs, and/or mental health. 

What is the Contemplation Stage?


This a small, handheld breathalyzer for car ignitions that’s installed to prevent users from being able to start their vehicle after drinking alcohol.

What is an Ignition Interlock Device (IID)?

This legal term refers to a person being detained against their will for substance abuse due to being a danger to themselves or others?

A) Temporary Detention Order B) Voluntary Commitment

C) Involuntary Committment D) OP/IOP

C) Involuntary Commitment


Name 2 examples of coping skills YOU currently use

Examples: Talking to a friend, taking a walk, listening to music, deep breathing, meditation, spending time with loved ones

This is a person, place, thing, or event that may result in psychological and subsequently physical relapse.
What is a trigger?

Robert lives alone after his divorce and visits with his son for a week at a time. He has been using his son's Adderall to get high and has lied to child’s mother about losing or spilling the pills in order to get more. Robert knows his behavior is dangerous but still takes comfort in the intoxication produced. What Stage of Change is Robert in?

What is the Contemplation Stage?


Alcohol most disrupts this part of the brain 

A) Frontal Lobe (memory, cognition) 

B) Parietal Lobe (sensory information)

C) Temporal Lobe (hearing)  

 D) Occipital Lobe (vision)

A) Frontal Lobe


This is how many years your license will be suspended after your 3rd DUI offense

What is 8 years?

What makes a coping skill unhealthy?

When a short-term solution helps you feel better in the moment but has harmful, long-term consequences, causing the negative emotion to keep coming back.

This R&B singer and his wife once reported spending $1 million on cocaine and alcohol in one day

Who is Bobby Brown?