This two numbers are less than 4 and has a product of 6.
What are 2 and 3?
It means getting a quotient of two numbers.
What is the division sign(÷)?
Different letters can be used as this which represents an unknown value.
What are variables?
This symbol is used to get the nth root of a number.
What is a radical sign / square root symbol?
This is the number that is attached to a variable.
What is a numerical coefficient/ coefficient?
This mathematical constant has a numerical value of approximately 3.14159 and is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.
What is Pi?
This term or number has a fixed value.
What is a constant?
This refers to the product of all positive integers that is smaller than n.
What is a factorial notation?
This is an Equation that consists of 2 or more term such as 2x + 3, where 2x and 3 are the terms.
What is an algebraic equation?
This states that a set has no element or is empty.
What is a null set (ø)?