What is Monet's first name?
What is Ruby's best friends name?
Did Rachel Dawes exist in the comic books?
How many tons is the Big Ben?
13.7 tons
How many times did Peter deny Christ?
Three times
Which famous female Mexican artist is famous for her self portraits?
Frida Kahlo
What color is Ruby's Bunny Scout uniform?
What is the Penguins full name? (First and last)
Oswald Cobblepot
What is a trunk of a car called in England? (HINT IT IS SOMETHING YOU PUT ON)
How did Judas identify Jesus to the soldiers?
By giving Him a kiss
What color of cloth is Jesus wearing over his shoulder in The Last Supper?
What kind of tree do Max and Ruby have in their backyeard?
What is the company called that Bruce Wayne owns?
Wayne Enterprises
What age does education start in England?
How long did the darkness after Jesus' death last? (how many hours)3
around 3
which scientist invented the color wheel?
Sir Isaac Newton
What are the ages of max and ruby?
5 and 12
What fictional detective inspired the creators of Batman?
Sherlock Holmes
In the British nursery rhyme, what did Jack Horner pull out of the pie?
A plumb
Who is the first person to see risen Christ?
Mary Magdalene
What is the name of the painting of a farming couple, one with a pitchfork, in front of a wooden house?
American Gothic
What mythical creature is on the shirt Max buys instead of buying overalls?
What is the Mad Hatters real name (only first needed)
Jervis Tetch
Stamps originated in Europe? True or false
How many pieces of silver did Judas trade the life of Jesus for?