Ch.6 Fundamentals of Exercise
Physiology and Nutrition
Ch.7 Nutrition Strategies for
Optimal Athletic Performance
Ch.8 Exercise, Thermoregulation,
and Fluid Balance
Ch.9 Nutritional Strategies for
Competitive Endurance,
Strength, and Power Athletes

Liver and muscles

Where does the body store carbohydrates that cannot be readily used?


Repair and synthesis

What benefit is associated with the consumption of protein immediately post-exercise?



Which hormone is secreted by the adrenal cortex and results in increased reabsorption of sodium by the kidneys and decreased sodium lost in sweat?


Gastrointestinal distress

What is the primary side effect associated with consumption of high concentrations of carbohydrates during exercise?



How many net adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecules are produced from each glucose molecule that is broken down through the anaerobic glycolysis process?


 1.5 g CHO/kg within 30 minutes, and then every 2 hours for 4 to 6 hours

What are the recommendations of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) for post-exercise carbohydrate (CHO) consumption?



What condition results when the body loses heat faster than it is able to generate it?


Increases muscle and liver glycogen stores

A carbohydrate-rich meal 3 to 4 hours prior to competition benefits an endurance athlete in which of the following ways?


Intense, exhaustive anaerobic exercise

Which type of exercise will cause an athlete to reach lactate threshold most quickly?


The rate at which glucose is absorbed into portal circulation

What is the primary limiting factor in the breakdown and delivery of carbohydrate energy to working muscles?


Urine specific gravity of less than 1.020 g/mL on first urine void of the day

What would be the most accurate way for an athlete to measure euhydration?


Low energy availabiity 

An endurance athlete who is consuming too few calories to support basic metabolic needs and fuel exercise would be characterized in which of the following states? 


Elevated oxygen use above resting levels after a workout

To what does excess post-exercise oxygen consumption refer?


After 1 to 3 hours of continuous moderate-intensity exercise (60% to 85% VO2 max), when glycogen becomes depleted

Under which of the following conditions could an athlete expect performance to begin to suffer if no additional glucose is ingested?


 6% to 8% CHO content

What should the carbohydrate (CHO) content be in beverages utilized during exercise in order to avoid any issues with gastric emptying?


 Exercise session lasting longer than 2 hours

At what point does carbohydrate ingestion during exercise become essential to provide adequate fuel?


Type of food consumed, Ratio of liquid to solid food components, Gastric volume

Which of the following factors impact gastric emptying rate?


Decreased incidence of gastrointestinal distress during exercise

Besides enhancing performance, what other benefit can be associated with the consumption of food and drink that contain more than one type of carbohydrate?


Body size, Genetic predisposition, Training environment, Intensity and duration of activity

What following factors impact sweat rate?


Competitive strength athletes typically have high muscle mass and therefore high metabolic rates.

Why do strength athletes typically have high caloric needs despite expending relatively few calories during training or competition?