Variable types
Sampling methods
Statistical test types
General statistics
Study design

An example of this variable type is blood type

What is a nominal variable?


In this sampling method, members are selected at random from the sampling frame

What is simple random sampling?


This type of statistical test examines the difference in means between a nominal variable with two categories and a ratio/interval variable

What is a t-test?


This type of hypothesis assumes that there is no significant difference between the two variables

What is the null hypothesis?


This type of study examines data at one point in time.

What is a cross-sectional study?


 An example of this variable type is military rank

What is an ordinal variable?


In this sampling method, every nth member of the sampling frame is selected.

What is systematic sampling?


This type of statistical test examines the relationship between two nominal variables

What is a chi-square test


This type of hypothesis assumes that there is a relationship between the two variables

What is an alternative hypothesis?

Will also accept research hypothesis.


This type of study relies on data that has been previously collected.

What is a secondary data analysis?


This variable has no true zero point, but has numbers with equally spaced intervals

What is an interval variable?


In this sampling method, researchers divide the sampling frame into groups and select entire groups at random

What is cluster sampling?


This statistical test can examine the relationship between two ratio variables.

What is linear regression?

Will also take Pearson's correlation coefficient


This is the probability of obtaining the value obtained assuming the null hypothesis is true.

What is a p value?


This design examines a group of people who have already developed a disease or other outcome and compares their exposures to a group of people who have not developed a disease.

What is a case control study?


An example of this variable type is temperature in Fahrenheit

What is an interval variable?


In this sampling method, researchers divide the sampling frame into homogenous subgroups and select individuals randomly from the subgroups.

What is stratified sampling?


You can use this test to examine the difference in means between a ratio variable and a nominal variable with three categories

What is a one-way ANOVA?


This is how we account for confounding variables in analysis

What is statistical adjustment?


This type of study follows a group of people without a disease over time to determine whether exposures influence their likelihood of getting the disease. 

What is a prospective cohort study?


This variable has a true zero point

What is a ratio variable?


Researchers use nonrandom methods to select participants for this sampling method.

What is nonprobability sampling?

Will also take purposive sampling.


This statistical test can examine the relationship of a dependent variable with two values and multiple independent variables.

What is a logistic regression model?


Refers to variables that have an influence on both the independent and dependent variables

What are confounding variables?


This type of study combines the statistical analysis of many previous studies that have been conducted that address a similar research question.

What is a meta-analysis?