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Student Loans

The LTV for first-time Home Buyers or Borrowers with 80% or less AMI

What is a 97% Loan with Fannie 


This give a homeowner certain legal protections and saves them money 

What is filing homestead

The fees waived on mortgages for current customers when refinancing or obtaining a new loan. 

What is underwriting and processing 


The best place to find the documentation needed for a file

What is AUS findings 


$84,100 / $67,200 / $42,050

What are 100% /80% and 50% AMI

The loan that allows a mortgage one year after a BK discharge when the BK was due to extenuating circumstances 

What is FHA


FHA / Freddie Mack / USDA 

What are the agencies who use this method

FHA Calculation of Monthly Obligation For outstanding Student Loans, regardless of payment status, the Mortgagee must use: • the payment amount reported on the credit report or the actual documented payment, when the payment amount is above zero; or • 0.5 percent of the outstanding loan balance, when the monthly payment reported on the Borrower’s credit report is zero


The occupant of the home is either a parent of a disabled child 

What is a Primary Residence


3 mortgage payments $300 fee, $10,000 minimum reduction in principle, can be performed multiple times, is not allowed for government, Chase, or second mortgages

What are recast rules


The credit the borrower receives when building a new home

What is $2000


The borrowers or realtors rarely have to call

What are updates at least once a week 


Three Years

What is the number of years to be considered a first-time home buyer  after previously owning a home 


Borrowers whose annual income is $500K or greater or has $2.5mm in liquid assets 

What is tier 1 


• 1% of the outstanding balance, or • The actual documented payment (from the credit report; documentation obtained from the student loan lender; documentation supplied by the borrower) Exemptions: • If the actual documented payment is less than the 1% of the outstanding balance, and it will fully amortize the loan with no payment adjustments, the fully amortizing monthly payment may be used to qualify the borrower. If the borrower is on an income-based repayment plan, BOKF Mortgage will use the actual documented payment amount for the DTI calculation.

What is Portfolio


Borrower can be a repeat home buyer with a minimal down payment and discounted pmi

What is Home Ready and Home Possible


The borrower just found out that his parents will gift them $5000 for their closing.  They want the lowest payment possible and they ask you how they should spend it. 

What is buying the rate down.  Do the math, but this almost always gives them a lower payment than putting down another $5K towards principle



What is the credit for borrower's earning 50% AMI on Home Ready and Home Possible loans


Buried in Sharepoint and you should be checking often

What are loan guidelines


Loan product does not allow manufactured housing 

What is USDA


120 days 

What is the timeline that documents expire on most loan products 

1% or the fully amortized payment

What is section 184


Self Employed borrower has been in business for more than 5 years and is not using business assets for closing 

What is one year tax returns


Borrower has had the loan for 2 years and property values have skyrocketed in his neighborhood.  The new valuation determines he is now at 75%LTV

What is dropping PMI - this must be requested 


Up to $15,000 down payment assistance for first time homebuyers with a household income of 80% AMI

What is FHLB HSP


BOK makes a business decision to change a loan guideline

What are overlays - found in the loan guideline matrix 


Loans that require a large deposit to be documented and sourced that is equal or higher than 50% of the monthly qualifying income

What is Conventional and Portfolio


The product you choose if the borrower has decent credit and is at or below 80% AMI

What is Home Possible Home Ready 


The student loan payment is $0 and you use it in qualifying ratios

What is Fannie Mae 

If the borrower is on an income-driven payment plan, the lender may obtain student loan documentation to verify the actual monthly payment is $0. The lender may then qualify the borrower with a $0 payment


Combining a 1st and 2nd mortgage into one mortgage

What is a Portfolio rate/term refinance *** the second has to be seasoned for at least 1 year, the total draws cannot exceed 2% of the new first mortgage 


The timeline an Underwriter needs to decision a 184 loan to avoid repulling credit 

What is 60 days


The amount of buyer credit for OHFA Gold 

What is 3.5% of the LOAN Amount 


The states that a BOK loan officer is not allowed to originate a mortgage 

What are NONE


The maximum debt ratio for portfolio products

What is 43%


Able to exclude an installment debt from DTI when the balance is less than this

What is 10 month

Payment calculated using this method 

Total Balance x.5% =x / 12 = payment


25,000x.5%=$1250 /12=$104.17 Mo payment

What is VA 

If the payment listed on the credit report is lower than this amount, SL Servicer must provide documentation that reflect actual loan terms and payment information AND dated within 60 days of loan closing


The borrower can go up to 50% dti on a $1,000,000 home 

What is tier 1


Still need to decrease insurance costs after shopping different companies 

Increase deductible most loans allow up to 5% of the face value 

USDA and Bond- 1%


The borrower needs funds for down payment and closing costs but  remembers he/she has been contributing into his/her retirement account.   

What is a 401K loan or withdrawal


Making sure you don't miss anything on an application

What is going through each screen and comparing it to the Blend application if applicable 


The loan type(s) where you run DU to determine loan guidelines

1) FAnnie Products

2) ISC

3) Tier One portfolio


You can reduce the dti when the borrower is paying child support or alimony  

What is reducing the income by the amount of the payment


All deferred student loan payments are calculated on a 120 month amortization 

What is heloc/heloan