Social Media makes me sad
Social Media makes me do hate crimes
Nothing will fix this ever
I hate capitalism

How many teens are social media addicts?



Who reccomends 70 of views on YouTube? 

Artificial Intelligence (AI)


How many states are suing meta for violating/leaking their children's privacy?

33 states


How many children have faced a cybersecurity threat? 



For who are the effects of thin idealizing media greatest?

women under 19


Which source concluded that 45% of children online are affected by cyberbullying? 

the DQ Institute, an International think-tank


Which platforms do male supremacist groups mainly use to target young boys? 

Discord and Twitch


How many teens report being invovled in groups that focus on politics, identity, and religion? 

1 in 10, 10%

One study concluded that 62% of all data mining occurs on social media. How old are the children in the study? 

8-12 years old


Since 2019, there has been an ___ increase in child sexual abuse materials. 



29% of children are exposed to what? 

violent and sexual content!


Fill in the blanks: Youth that spent ___ or more hours a day online had ___ times the odds of reporting exposure to hate messages. 

3, 2.4 

Explain the transparency paradox. Cite your source. 

Researchers and the public have the right to know how social media platforms are acessing and using consumer data. But, there's also a need to protect user privacy and security. (MIT, Slona School of Management)


What does COPPA stand for? 

Children's Online Privacy Protection Act


Adolescent social media use is predictive of a subsequent decrease in life satisfaction for certain developmental stages, including which two groups?

Girls 11-13 years old, Boys 14-15 years old


In which country was a study conducted which found tht only 2% of children can sufficiently discern real news from misinformation? Who conducted the study? 

The United Kingdom, the 2018 Commission on Fake News and Literacy in Schools


Who created Stormfront and what is his background? 

Don Black, former Alabama Klan boss and long-time white supremacist


Explain the relationship between radicalization signals and banned content. 



What does COPPA do? Name 1 out of 3 of the requirements that tech companies making apps, websites, and online tools for children 13 and under must comply with.

COPPA gives parents control over what information websites can collect from their kids. 

1) provide notice and get parental consent before colelcting information fro kids

2) have a "clear and comprehensive" privacy policy

3) keep information they collect from kids confidential and secure

While the pre-frontal cortex doesn't fully develop until age 25, Carl Marci, a psychiatrist in Mass General Hospital concludes some other fact about the brain. What did he find? 
The prefrontal cortex begins to catch up by age 16.

At what duration of social media exposure are people more likely to experience mental distress? What is the source of this statistic? 

2 hours, "Selected Topics in Child and Adoelscent Mental Health" by Jonathan Glazard and Samuel Stones (a textbook)


What happens when only some platforms are banned?

Radical communities will migrate to different platforms


Why is reform ineffective? 

[will accept a multitude of answers so long as they are comprehensive and convincing]


Why was COPPA ineffective? 

COPPA creates an incentive for users to commit age fraud. And, many sites opt to disallow children under 13 from using their services due to the high cost of comlying with the law. 


In 30 seconds, explain why the affirmation wins. 

[I will accept a number of answers so long as they are comprehensive and good]