Standard Steps
Coordinated Care

To decrease patient anxiety, establish rapport, and ensure the procedure is performed on the correct patient.

Why is it important to introduce yourself to the patient and identify them before beginning a nursing procedure?


These situations require the critical thinking and knowledge of a nurse due to their complexity and potential complications.

Why is it inappropriate to delegate the task of first-time catheterization or catheterization of patients with urethral trauma to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)?


Patient tolerance varies based on illness severity and disability, and it's necessary to provide opportunities for rest or comfort measures as needed.

 Why is it essential to determine the patient's tolerance of the procedure during its execution?


Urinary catheterization can typically be delegated to UAP in specific settings, but in most cases, it requires the critical thinking and knowledge of a nurse.

When can the task of urinary catheterization be delegated to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)?


Timely and accurate documentation is legally required, records patient progress, and promotes continuity of care.

Why is it crucial to document the patient's response to the procedure and any unexpected outcomes?


Performing catheter care, including perineal care and cleansing the catheter tubing.

 What aspect of urinary catheterization can usually be delegated to UAP in certain facilities?


 Perform hand hygiene after removing gloves and dispose of soiled supplies and equipment according to agency policy and guidelines.

 What is the final step after completing a nursing procedure to prevent the spread of microorganisms and maintain cleanliness?


Performing catheter care, including perineal care and cleansing the catheter tubing.

What aspect of urinary catheterization can usually be delegated to UAP in certain facilities?


Assist the patient to a position of comfort, ensure needed items are within reach, and make sure the patient has a means to call for help and knows how to use it.

What should a nurse do to promote comfort and safety for the patient immediately after completing a procedure?


 Catheter irrigation.

Which aspect of urinary catheterization requires the knowledge of a nurse and is inappropriate to delegate to UAP?


 Patient tolerance varies based on illness severity and disability, and it's necessary to provide opportunities for rest or comfort measures as needed.

 Why is it essential to determine the patient's tolerance of the procedure during its execution?


 It may be acceptable in some settings, but initial patient evaluation and coordination of repeated specimens require the knowledge of a nurse.

In what situations is it acceptable to delegate the task of obtaining urine specimens from a catheter to UAP?


Explain the procedure in terms the patient can understand, advise them of any unpleasantness, and give them time to ask questions.

 What action should a nurse take to promote patient cooperation and prepare them for a procedure?


 Caring for a newly established suprapubic catheter, as it requires the knowledge of a nurse.

  What is inappropriate to delegate to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) regarding newly established suprapubic catheters?