Classroom Environment
Leading Activities
Opening Activities
Brain Breaks
Closing Activities

What is step one in creating a classroom environment?

what is Make learning exciting!


What is the first step we need to take to lead our students through a productive activity?

what is know your goals


What activity allows students to get to know one another through answering a fun prompt from the teacher?

what is an Icebreaker

What activity allows students to stretch out and have a break?

what is brain breaks


What activity is a quick one that happens in order to leave class?

what is an exit ticket


What is step two in creating a classroom environment?

what is Lead by example


What is the second step we need to take to lead our students through a productive activity?

what is choose the right activity


What activity do students pair up and share with one another?

what is a Pair-and-Share


What activity allows students to go over material with a partner?

what is a pair-and-share


What activity is a competitive game or mini quiz that assesses where students are at?

what is a kahoot/quiz


What is step three in creating a classroom environment?

what is let students thrive at what they excel in


What is the third step we need to take to lead our students through a productive activity?

what is prepare in advance


What activity would it be if we played bingo or did a crossword puzzle?

what is a fun game


What activity do students group up to solve some sort of issue or problem that doesn't always have a right answer?

Group problem-solving


what activity involves a fun game where students can get their mind off of class and have fun?

what is a non-related game


What is step four in creating a classroom environment?

what is set routines and schedules


What is the fourth step we need to take to lead our students through a productive activity?

what is facilitate with enthusiasm


What activity is it when students get in groups/table groups to come up with ideas and brainstorm?

what is group brainstorming


What activity allows students to actively discuss both sides of an argument with one another?

what is a debate


What activity do students get in groups or pairs to answer a question provided by the teacher?

what is a group write-pair-share


What is step five in creating a classroom environment?

what is build student relationships


What is the fifth step we need to take to lead our students through a productive activity?

what is debrief and follow up

What activity is it when students take a pre-unit test to assess what they already know?

what is a General knowledge assessment


What activity is a time for students to get answers/notes they missed and make sure they have everything they need?

what is a catch-up


What activity allows students the time to finish any work or get started on homework?

what is freetime