What part of the plant takes in water and food?
What is the definition of a plant?
A living thing.
Where is the Table of Contents Located?
At the beginning of the book.
What are the 4 stages of a plant's life?
seed, plant, flower, fruit.
What is a seedling?
A young plant.
What part of the plant takes in sunlight and air?
The leaves.
What is the definition of a seed?
The first stage of a plant's life.
Where are captions located?
On picture, drawings, and illustrations.
What do plants need to grow and survive?
What does a flower start out as?
A bud.
What part of the plant helps the plant stand up?
The stem.
What is the definition of a flower?
The part that of the plant that can make more plants.
Labels are on diagrams. What information do labels provide?
The parts of something or how something works.
What are four ways plants can disperse their seeds?
self, wind, animals, water.
What is the heaviest seed in the world?
A palm seed.
What part of the plant makes pollen?
The Flower.
What is the definition of a fruit?
A container for new seeds.
Where can you find definitions in the Seed to Plant Book?
In the Buzz Words Box.
What is a characteristic of a seed?
comes in different sizes and shapes, splits open
What plant makes paper?