
Name three types of robberies 

Any of these: Physical, Check Fraud, Identity Theft, Elder Abuse & Exploitation, Cyber Attacks, Counterfeit Currency, Scam Letters, Social Engineering.


These two animals are the only ones ADA says can be a service animal

Dogs and miniature horses


Do this if your computer has been hacked by ransomware

Don't touch it; don't do anything to it/with it


What day/time do most robberies happen?

Tuesday from 6 am to 9 am; 9 am to 11 pm 


People that are deaf or hard of hearing use this type of device when calling

Telephone relay service

This is who you call first when you think there is a current cyber attack

IT; Brian Justice, Jon Deel


What is the difference between human trafficking and human smuggling?

Human smuggling is the illegal act of moving people across county borders. Human trafficking is forcing people to do acts against their will. 


You must do this if a blind person requests an audio copy of discourses 

Use the Shore-Tel voice mail system or contact Network Administration and request they download the recorded voice mail to a CD.


Who are the only two people allowed to speak to the press after a robbery? 

Barry and Erica


Business may ask these two question if it is not apparent that an animal is not a service animal.  

1. Is the animal required because of a disability?

2. What work or task has the animal been trained to perform?


After a robbery, what must you do to the teller/staff that has been robbed?

Put them in a room separate from everyone. 


Do this if you want to help a customer with a wheelchair, crutches, etc. 

Ask if they want help before doing so.