What is the 4H Moto?
“To Make the Best Better”
What is the average gestation for a rabbit?
28-35 days
This is what you put water in for you animal.
A bucket/bowl/bottle
This is the most basic nutrient all animals need.
What are the dates for the 2024 fair?
August 9-15
What are the 4H colors
Green and White
What is the average gestation of a pig?
about 114 days or 3 months 3 weeks 3 days
This is a common tool used for most animals to help maintain the hair/coat of an animal.
A brush/comb
This is the most common source of protein in feed.
Soybean meal
Who is the Miami County OSU 4H extension agent?
Jessica Adams
What are the 4 H’s of 4H?
Head, Heart, Hands and Health
What is the average gestation of a goat?
145-155 days
This is used to maintain hoof length.
Hoof trimmers
When the animal only has one chamber of the stomach.
What is the cafeteria style food vendor between the Horticulture building and the Merchants building?
Cove Spring Grange
Who is the founder of 4H?
A.B. Graham
What is the average gestation of a cow?
283 days
This is a common item to wear while showing rabbits and poultry.
A white lab coat
When an animal has four chambers of the stomach.
What is the name of the main building at Indian Hills 4H Camp?
Goedde Lodge
My Health to better living for my ___, my _____, my____ and my ____
Club, Community, Country and World
What is the average incubation to hatch time for a chicken egg?
21 days
This tool can be used for several different species to help prepare coat length for a show.
Hay, grass, and silage are all fibrous material known as ______.
What year was the Newton Blue Ribbon 4H Club founded?