Some king of languages?
Fool questions
Artificial errors

Name the example of one low-level and one high-level programming language.

Assembly and Python, for example.


What does OOP stand for?

OOP is an Object-oriented programming.


What have you really been thinking about during english lesson about the topic?

weather? birds? hamsters? clubs? i hope so.


What are the main types of errors?

Syntax error, Logic error, Runtime error.


What is a big data?

It is the newly vast amount of data that can be studied to show patterns, trends and associations.


What does OOP refer to?

- Object-oriented programming is one of the main programming methodologies, which is based on idea that a program is a cluster of objects, each beloning to a certain class and the classes build up an inheritance hierarchy. It allows programmers to think of software development as if they are working with real-life entities.


Do you agree that Python is an overrated programming language? Why?

actually idk if u care


What is a syntax error? Explain it with a real example.

Syntax error is a type of error, that occurs when an instruction doesn't follow the grammar of the programming language. For example, it is forgotten ";" in C++ code.


What are the benefits of C++?

C++ is a high-performance language that can be compiled into native code, making it faster than interpreted languages like Python or JavaScript. C++ code can be collected to run on dissimilar platforms, with Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. C++ gives the programmer a lot of control, which can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. It allows you to choose the level of abstraction and control that you need, and you can choose to work with high-level or low-level constructs depending on the specific task.


Picture-question 2.

Object, class, instance, template, method, encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of AI in your life?

where's my food?


Picture-question 1.

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.


Describe any programming language, its benefits and drawbacks, main features and sphere of implementation.

i guess u don't have to see the answer there.


What does a programming paradigm refer to and what are the most popular programming paradigms? Explain each of them.

 A programming paradigm refers to a way of conceptualising and structuing the tasks a computer performs. The most popular programming paradigms are procedural, functional, logical, object-oriented.

Procedural - built around the idea that programs are sequences of instructions to be executed.

Functional - functions as the main driving force behind the development.

Logical - its foundation in math logic so program statements express facts and rules about problems within a system.

Object-oriented - program as a series of objects and methods that can interact.


How many times is the word "Python" mentioned in the topic?



What is the difference between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning?

AI is the broad field concerned with creating intelligent machines, ML is a subset of AI that focuses on enabling machines to learn from data and make predictions, and DL is a specialized form of ML that uses deep neural networks to learn hierarchical representations of data. DL is a powerful approach within ML that has achieved remarkable results in various domains, but it is not the only technique used in AI or ML.