Famous People
Describing Words
States and Capitals

Score names in this sport include spare, strike, turkey, and badger. 

What is bowling?


This 1994 Disney animated film tells the tale of a young lion prince named Simba who must reclaim his throne after the murder of his father.

What is 'The Lion King?'


This astronaut made history on July 20, 1969, by becoming the first person to set foot on the moon.

Who is Neil Armstrong? 


Use this word to describe someone who has only lived or existed for a short amount of time.

What is young?


This Michigan city was not recognized as the state's capital until 10 years after Michigan became a state.

What is Lansing?


In this competitive sport, athletes propel a boat through water using oars, often practiced on rivers, lakes, or in specially built courses.

What is rowing?


In this classic fairy tale Disney movie, a princess is cursed to sleep for 100 years until awakened by true love's kiss.

What is 'Sleeping Beauty?'

This civil rights leader delivered his famous 'I Have a Dream' speech during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963.

Who is Martin Luther King Jr. ?


You may use this word to describe someone who can move heavy weights and perform other physically demanding tasks. 

What is strong?


This state also shares a name with the first president of the United States. 

What is Washington?


In this sport, athletes engage in a strategic battle of blades, aiming to score points by touching their opponent with a weapon.

What is fencing?


In this fantasy movie trilogy, Frodo Baggins embarks on a perilous journey to destroy a ring and save Middle-earth from the dark lord Sauron.

What is 'Lord of the Rings?'


Michael Jackson, often referred to by this title, gained worldwide fame for his contributions to music and dance.

Who is the 'King of Pop?'


This word may be used to describe when one end of something is far away from the other end of it.

What is long?


This western state is landlocked and recognized as the least populated state in the United States.

What is Wyoming?

Muhammad Ali earned the nickname "The Greatest" due to his performance in this sport.  

What is boxing? 


This famous 1980 film based on a Stephen King novel is known for its chilling portrayal of a haunted hotel.

What is 'The Shining?'


This singer, commonly referred to as 'The Boss,' has hit songs including 'Born in the U.S.A,' 'Dancing in the Dark,' and 'Born to Run.' 

Who is Bruce Springsteen?


This word paired with 'star' describes its physical glow, and can also indicate someone who is exceptionally talented or inspirational.

What is shining?

During elections, Wisconsin often serves as this type of state, where neither the Democratic nor Republican political party has overwhelming support.

What is a 'swing' state?


In this Olympic sport, players slide stones on ice towards a target area which is segmented into four concentric circles.

What is curling?


In this 1987 romantic drama film with Patrick Swayze, a teenage girl falls in love with a dance instructor while vacationing with her family at a resort in the Catskill Mountains.

What is 'Dirty Dancing?'


This tennis champion, known for her advocacy for gender equality in sports, famously defeated Bobby Riggs in the 1973 'Battle of the Sexes' tennis match.

Who is Billie Jean King?


A cup of tea may be described using this word to indicate its calming and relaxing aspects. 

What is soothing?


This state capital is where Abraham Lincoln lived for much of his life, and also serves as the hometown featured in 'The Simpsons.'

What is Springfield?