Act 1 Scene 1&2
Act 1 Scene 3,4,5
Act 2 Scene 1,2,3
Act 2 Scene 4
Act 2 Scene 5
According to Scrooge, what resources do the poor have?

Workhouses and prisons


How does Marley convince Scrooge that he is real?

By terrifying him. (removing his head, screaming, appearing in the pictures in his room).


What trick did Marley think would be effective against Scrooge?

Nothing - to have nothing happen when Scrooge expected it.


Who is Fred?

Fred is Scrooge's nephew. 


What was Adam's task?

To purchase a large turkey


What does Scrooge hate more than Christmas?

He tells his Nephew, he hates love more than Christmas.

What chain does Marley warn Scrooge he may wear?

The chains of greed and misanthropy 


How does the Ghost of Christmas Present's appearance represent Scrooge?

He represents Scrooge's wealth. He sits on a throne. He holds a Horn of Plenty (cornucopia). He is surrounded with a plethora of meats.


Present carries two dolls. What are their names?

The dolls' names are Want and Ignorance.


What surprise did Scrooge give to Fred's family?

He showed up to Christmas dinner.


What indications are there that Scrooge is not as heartless as he seems?

1) Scrooge doesn't remove Marley's name from the sign.

2) Scrooge is the "sole mourner" of Marley

3) People avoid Scrooge on the street


What does the Ghost of Christmas Past look like?

He is both a child and an old man. Carries a branch of holly. Wears a white shirt with a belt.


What magic does the Ghost of Christmas Present use?

The magic of kindness


Why will Scrooge's funeral be "cheap"?

It will be cheap, because no one will attend.


What surprise did Scrooge give to Crachit?

Scrooge raised his salary and promised to help his family.


What argument does Scrooge make to Crachit for wanting the day off?

It costs Scrooge money and is unfair to him.


Why did Scrooge's wife break her wedding contract?

Scrooge became consumed by greed and changed. Money became his priority over his marriage. This connects to his earlier conversation with his nephew about the nephew's own marriage.


What is worth more to Crachit than 15 shillings (his wage)?

His family.


What is Old Joe, Mrs. Dilber, the man, and the woman doing in the scene?

They are buying and selling Scrooge's last possessions.

What was Scrooge's emotional state when standing at the door of his nephew's?

He was nervous, anxious - lacked courage.


What effect is the audience supposed to feel from the contrast between Scrooge and the other characters in the crossover between scene 2 and 3?

It is supposed to have a comedic effect due to the joyous nature of everything else contrasted with Scrooge's misanthropy.


Describe what Scrooge experiences when he is an apprentice in the past.

Merriment, joy, happiness, dancing, singing

Who is the Founder of the Crachit Feast?

Scrooge - as he pays Bob his wages.


The Ghost of Christmas Future shows Scrooge the businessmen talking about a death and the scene with Old Joe and Mrs. Dilbur. What other two events does Scrooge experience with Future?

Scrooge witnesses the Crachit family experiencing Tiny Tim's death. Scrooge also sees his own grave and tombstone.


Why does Crachit feel guilt?

He felt guilt because he was late to work.