Diaries and alerts
Program Violations

What is a J3 diary?

MEF/SSR over reported wages


Program used to report fraud



What is a B2 diary?

The B2 diary indicates the unresolved overpayment (OPU in MPMT) needs resolution


If a clmt is paid $200 in March for work done in February, in which month does the $200 count as income?


What is an institution that is public or part of a public institution?



How do you resolve a KZ diary?

SI 02309.010


When do administrative sanctions being?

Sanctions begin the first day of the second month after the month reconsideration rights end on the decision to impose the sanction. GN 02604.405


Define CPR

Cross Program Recovery


Thomas works and receives a benefit from a local agency designed to assist people with low income. He must have income below a certain limit and the funds come from a federal grant. What am I?



What type of facility shares characteristics with commercial apartment complexes?

ALF-Assisted Living Facilities


What are 2 critical resource diaries?

SB, 5H


Who or when does a Civil Monetary Penalty occur?

If OIG investigates and validates that fraud or other misconduct occurred, it refers the matter to the U.S. Attorney to consider an action for civil or criminal false statements and related misconduct.

If the U.S. Attorney declines to prosecute and issues the formal “declination” required by statute, OIG may refer the case to its Office of the Counsel to the Inspector General (OCIG) to consider imposing a Civil Monetary Penalty (CMP) and any assessment.

If OCIG determines the case meets the legal requirements for a CMP, it contacts the individual by mail to advise it is considering a CMP and to request the individual to provide information regarding his or her financial circumstances.

GN 02230.050


When do we use NTAC

Use an Uncollectible overpayment decision (N TAC) to record the fact that an overpayment has been found to be Uncollectible for one of the following reasons:

  • SSA is under court order not to collect an overpaid amount;

  • an administrative law judge has declared that an overpayment is Uncollectible;

  • the recipient is deceased and all proper efforts to collect the overpayment have proved fruitless (see SI 02220.053) or

  • there was early delivery of an SSI check in the month of the recipient's death (see SI 02201.025B.)


What is an unconditional agreement whereby one party promises to pay a specified sum of money at a specified time (or on demand) to another party. It may be given in return for goods, money loaned, or services rendered.

Promissory Note: SI 01140300


Adam Harris has $500 per month care rate. $250 Life Skills Training. He pays $500 toward food and shelter. Do we charge ism?



What is the period of review for LI's and RZ's

The period of review is the time period that the RZ or limited issue must cover. The date is the month and year of the latest of the dates in SI 02305.034B. and is no more than 26 months retroactive.

SI 02305.034


What is the penalty amount for 1st, 2nd and 3rd offense and what is the notice to send?

$25, $50, $100. SSA-8166-U2

SI 02301.110


If we denied the claimant’s waiver of recovery of an overpayment based on “not without fault.” Six months later the claimant files another waiver request and no new evidence. What do you do?

A second waiver determination is not required. The adjudicator dismisses the request based on res judicata. GN 03101.160


What is the FCI for Sgt. Major (See screenshot)

See Screen shot for answer


An SSI recipient enters a public emergency shelter for the homeless on May 15, 2016, and is still there on June 1, 2016. It is not known when a permanent housing arrangement can be made. What is the first full month of residency in a PESH for purposes of determining the 9-month period.

June 2016: The rolling 9-month period is June 2016 back through October 2015. For the months May 2016 back through October 2015, the recipient was not in a public emergency shelter for the homeless. The recipient stays in the shelter until December 5, 2016, when he moves to his own apartment. The recipient would receive an SSI payment under this provision for the months of June through November 2016, the 6 months throughout which he was a resident of a public emergency shelter, in addition to his regular SSI payment for May 2016 and December 2016 (the months of admission and discharge).


Name the screen where you find a pension interface development.



Define DDFP, when to use it and why is it used?

Direct deposit fraud prevention. GN 02402.023


You can find fault if an individual continues to accept SSI payments which they had been told were incorrect, but which we could not prevent from being issued. What is this called?

Administrative Error SI 02260.010


Social Services served as representative payee for John while he was in foster care. They failed to report that John’s conserved funds began to exceed the $2,000 limit in June 2002. John left foster care and a new payee was appointed in October 2002. The last check that they received for John’s was the October 2002 check. Because of a DSS record-keeping error, the conserved funds were not returned to SSA timely. The funds were returned to SSA in August 2003. Are the countable? If so when?

The conserved funds were John’s resource in all months beginning the month that his resources began to exceed the $2,000 limit in June 2002 and ending the month that the former payee last received John’s check in October 2002. Thus, he had excess resources from June 2002 through October 2002. From November 2002 through August 2003 the conserved funds are not a resource because they were retained by DSS (not returned timely to SSA). In September 2003, SSA reissued the conserved funds to John’s new payee. The funds will be a resource as of October 2003 (the month after the month they were reissued).


Lucy Harris, a 14 year old eligible child, is a resident at the State School for the Hearing Impaired. She lives at school during the school year 2023-2024. Lucy lives with her parents between semesters and during vacations. We determine that Lucy's permanent residence is her parents' home where she is subject to deeming. Lucy pays $500 for rent. Is ISM required and if so how much?

It is needed for both her parents' home and the school. Why? When a child who is subject to deeming is away at school, ISM is potentially countable in both the permanent residence (the parents' home) and at school. After developing the living arrangements, we determine that Lucy receives no ISM in her parents' home, but we learn from the parents that they do not pay for Lucy's food and shelter at the school. We learn that the State Department of Education pays for Lucy's food and shelter, valued at $400 per month. So, this third party payment results in countable ISM for Lucy. After comparing the actual value (AV) of ISM to the PMV, we find that the PMV is less, so we cap the ISM at the PMV for each month that she is at school including September and June.