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This term describes the amount of food for which the nutritional information is provided on a label.

What is a serving size?


This type of carbohydrate is not digested and can be subtracted from the total carbs to calculate 'net carbs.

What is dietary fiber?


This type of fat is considered heart-healthy and can be found in olive oil and avocados.

What are monounsaturated fats?


This macronutrient is essential for building and repairing tissues.

What is protein?


Ingredients are listed in descending order by weight, starting with this.

What is the main ingredient?


If a package says it contains 2 servings and you eat the whole thing, you need to multiply the nutritional values by this.

What is 2?


These carbs are to be consumed in moderation, as they can quickly raise blood sugar levels.

*What are sugars?


This unhealthy fat type should be limited to reduce the risk of heart disease.

What are saturated fats?


Proteins are made up of these building blocks.

What are amino acids?


This term indicates the product is made without any artificial ingredients and minimal processing.

What is natural?


This term is used when the entire contents of a package can be consumed in one sitting, even if it contains more than one serving.

What is a single-serving package?


This line on the nutrition label shows the total grams of carbohydrates, including fibers, sugars, and starches.

What is total carbohydrates?


Trans fats are often found in these types of foods, which should be avoided.

What are processed foods?


A complete protein contains all nine of these.

What are essential amino acids?


These types of ingredients are added to enhance color, flavor, or shelf life.

What are additives?


This US Government agency regulates nutrition labels.

What is the FDA?


These added sweeteners are often found in processed foods and should be limited in a healthy diet.

What are added sugars?


The FDA has mandated the removal of this type of fat from all foods due to its health risks.

What are trans fats?


This term describes a food that provides all essential amino acids.

What is a complete protein?


This label term means the product contains no genetically modified organisms.

What is non-GMO?


This often overlooked detail on a nutrition label can dramatically change your understanding of how much you're really eating, especially when you consume the entire package thinking it's meant for one.

What is the number of servings per container?


This term refers to carbohydrates that have a minimal impact on blood glucose levels.

What are net carbs?


These fats can help lower bad cholesterol levels and are found in fish and nuts.

What are polyunsaturated fats?


This plant-based food is a complete protein, often used as a meat substitute.

What is quinoa or soy?


This type of sugar is often hidden in ingredient lists under names like dextrose, fructose, and maltose.

What are added sugars?