Theme and Central Idea
Tone and Mood
Text Structure
and Plot
Figurative Language
Claim and Cultural Influence

The author’s deeper message.

What is Theme?


The author’s attitude toward in the passage or section. 

What is tone? 


The text structure where an author puts events in order by number. 

What is chronologically?


A comparison using like or as. Example: Your smile is as white as snow. 

What is a simile? 


Is this author’s p.o.v positive, neutral, or negative: 

The motorcyclist was going up threw cars so quick, I was worried. If he made one mistake, he could be deathly injured. 



The gist; What the story is mainly about.

What is the Central Idea?

The reader’s feelings toward the passage/section. 

What is mood? 


Find the text structure: A boy lies about a wolf threatening his farm, to see all the people run to him in fear. They stop believing him because he tricks them 4 times in a row. So, one day when there is a real wolf, no one comes to help him. 

What is cause and effect?


Find the type of figurative language: 

(Girl talking about a purse) “She is adorable hunny.” 

What is personification?


Definition: The bias of an author that comes from their life experiences. 

What is cultural influence? 

Usually one or two words that describes what the passage/poem/play is about.

What is the topic? 


The chilly stormy day kept the homeless man up shivering the entire night. (Mood)

What is sad/gloomy/melancholy? 


Find the text structure: Just like bats, owls are nocturnal. This means unlike humans, owls are awake at night.

What is compare and contrast? 


Find the type of figurative language: 

screech, bang, her bike, hit the car door. 

What is an onomatopoeia?


Find the author’s claim: Tomorrow I am making sure that more people say Thank you to the lunch lady. She works really hard all day long but I only hear people talking to other students in line. It would help her to show some appreciation for her hardwork.

What is ( the author believes saying thank you to people can make them feel better)? 


1.Find the topic. 

2.Think about what happens in the passage and the message it shows about the topic. 

3.  Write down what the author is saying about the topic. 

What are the steps to finding theme?


Then she took the spaghetti and threw it into the traitor’s face. He stood no chance against her, especially when she was betrayed. (Tone)

What is revengeful, angry, upset? 


Find the text structure: One day I stubbed my big toe. It hurt so much that I threw myself on the floor and cradled my injury. When I released my grip, I thought blood would be oozing from the toe nail. In reality, it looked like nothing happened.  

What is descriptive? 


Tiana eating her Mom’s home made bread: “I just bit into a warm cloud. I’m going to eat too much of this. Hahaha. Thanks for cooking Mom!”

What is a metaphor? 


The authors p.o.v is positive, neutral, or negative: The ride there was beautiful! I enjoyed the views, but it was too long. Next time we will get together somewhere closer. 

What is neutral? 


1. Summarize the events in the passage.

2. Think about the most important parts of the passage.

3. Describe it in a sentence or two. 

What are the steps to finding the central idea?

A tone word for neutral.

A mood word for happy, other than postive.

Tone: What is indifferent, unbiased, factual, educational, or wise?

Mood: What is joyous, pleasant, magical, wonderous, uplifting?

List all of the possible ways an author might structure their text. 

What is cause and effect, compare and contrast, descriptive, sequentially, chronologically, and, problem and solution? 


Find the type of figurative language: 

“I’m so sad, I could cry a river”. 

What is a hyperbole? 
Find the cultural influence: 

Friend: “Wow, this maple syrup is not good!”

Other Friend: “This is my favorite!” 

Friend: “If you could only try the stuff we have back home in Canada! You would change your mind.”  

What is (being from canada caused her to have high standards for maple syrup)?