State nickname
What is The Bay State?
People required to attend Action Call from Cepheid
Who is FAS, TSE, and LIS support (if applicable)
Person in charge of setting up discovery call
What is Territory Sales Executive
What is our goal (in number of days) from training date to going live?
60 days
Number of chambers in GeneXpert cartridge
What is 11?
What is the Fig Newton named after?
What is a Boston suburb?
When FAS starts planning Action Call?
What is after PO is received
Person in charge of completing IPA
What is TSE?
Period of time we have to enter in scheduled training date in SFDC once we have shipping notification
What is two weeks?
Which American president announced Thanksgiving?
What is Abraham Lincoln
This is the state animal
What is the Right Whale?
Where FAS can find Action Call Template
What is in SFDC?
Person in charge of setting up action call
What is FAS
Documents required to combine for Install/Training Work Order
D6607 and Installation Qualification
SAC stands for ?
What is sample adequacy control?
What is Tabby cat?
Who is responsible for sending action call follow up email?
Who is FAS?
Person in charge of installing GeneXpert, TSE, FSE, or FAS?
Who runs the Action Call and sets up install and training dates?
Who is FAS
The year that Danaher acquired Cepheid
What is 2016
What is the Mass state song?
What is All Hail to Massachusetts
Three required attachments to be sent with Action Call Follow up Email
What are
Updated Action Plan Template
SDS Link
SPAK Quote
Person in charge of completing and combining required documents after install/training
Who is FAS
When can FAS mark customer LIVE in SFDC?
When the customer is running patient samples or able to run patient samples.
Who is the best molecular trainer EVER?
Who is Duh?