Early Life
The Church

Within what church was Luther raised?

Roman Catholic Church


Cartoonists keyed upon which of Luther’s descriptions of the pope for their cartoons?

A donkey playing a bagpipe/ harp


In what way is a Christian perfectly lord of all, but subject to none?

Christians are to owe nothing but love as Paul says in Romans 13:8


What did his father think about Luther’s vow to become a monk?

His father was upset, because though Luther, educated in stringency, should have supported his parents in their old age, becoming a monk went against all this.


How many children did Martin Luther have with Katherine?

They had 5 children


Why was Luther so obsessed with confessing his sins?

Because he was so worried not all his sins would be covered. He would even go back to the beginning of his life and cover those as well.


What is Luther likened to in the bull Exsurge Domine?

He is likened to a wild boar in a vineyard


What influence did religion have on the culture?

“Religions became again a dominant factor even in politics” people would willingly die for their faith


How many times a day do monks pray?

7 times


What was Luther’s “Table Talk” And should Dr. Soderberg start one? LOL

The Table Talk was a gathering of Luther and his students around the dinner table, where they had theological and intellectual discussions, often to the dramatic dismay of Luther’s wife. 

(Dr. S you should start one 👀) 


Which saint did Luther call upon when he was nearly struck by lightning?

St. Anne 


What was Tetzel’s penance Jingle?

As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, The soul from purgatory springs.


What was the center of Luther’s theology? Hint: “cluster of petals”

The assurance of forgiveness of sins that Christ’s death assured by triumphing over sin and death.


Why did Luther make a vow to become a monk?

(1) the immediate circumstances of why he made the vow, and (2) the cultural and religious reasons that made him think that becoming a monk was a good thing


What was Luther’s fake name while at Wartburg, and how did he disguise himself?

He went by Junker George and was dressed as a knight with a long beard.  


Describe Luther’s schooling

“The entire training of home, school, and university was designed to instill fear of God and reverence for the Church.” p.12 Ch.1 Here I Stand 


By 1520, how many years in Purgatory could you get rid of by viewing the relics in Wittenberg? 

1,902,202 years and 270 days


What was the Vulgate mis-translation of Matt 4:17, and what is the right translation, according to Luther and the Greek text?

Mis-translation: do penance

Correct translation: be penitent 


What was the morning routine of the average monk?

Awake by the bell @ 2am, by the second bell go to church, and begin their first prayer, then join the choir


Which church father’s single tooth was included in Frederick the Wise’s relic collection in Wittenberg?

St. Jerome


What were Martin Luther’s parent’s names? 

Hans and Margaret Luther 


How does Luther say that religion or faith is not under governmental authority?

Although the government believes otherwise, they have no power over human souls. They cannot kill it or make it alive. “It must be taken hold of in a different way; force cannot accomplish it. 


Summarize Luther’s doctrine of vocation and how it relates to a Christian being “perfectly lord of all, subject to none”

The doctrine of vocation was the belief that everyone had a calling from God, and that they came in all sorts of occupations, not just the priestly or religious ones. They are in the household, in the church, the state, and the workplace, and in all of those places, the goal is to love and serve our neighbors. We commit ourselves to loving our neighbors, and yet  are completely free. There is nothing able to remove us from God, but we still have that vocation, that calling that we are willing slaves of. 


What was Luther’s argument opposing the prohibition of wine and women?

“Do not suppose that abuses are eliminated by destroying the object which is abused…. The sun, the moon, and the stars have been worshiped. Shall we then pluck them out of the sky?


How did Luther deal with depression? (Name the two methods)

He had two methods, the head on attack to Satan, and the indirect approach.