Let's Talk Regs
Famous People Old Enough To Be Our Residents
RCAC Whaaat?
Personal About Our Personnel

This is required for every employee prior to having contact with residents and every 4 years thereafter. 

What is a background check?


The current and oldest sitting President of the United States of America.

Who is Joe Biden?


RCAC - an abbreviation for.

What is Residential Care Apartment Complex?


The Chief Operating Officer of Eden Senior Care.

Who is Mordy?


This DHS approved course is required for any employee that may be occupationally exposed to blood, body fluids, or other moist body substances.

What is Standard Precautions?


Regarded as one of the most influential frontmen in rock & roll history, he's the lead singer of The Rolling Stones.

Who is Mick Jagger?


The maximum number of hours per week a resident can receive of supportive, personal, and nursing services to be qualified to live in an RCAC. 

What is 28 hours?


He often refers to himself as "Mr. Wonderful". 

Who is Doug Hansel?


The number of hours of continuing education that is required beginning with the first full calendar year of employment.

What is 15 hours?


Gained world-wide fame for his starring roles as Han Solo in the original "Star Wars" trilogy and the title character of the "Indiana Jones" film series.

Who is Harrison Ford?


The facility or staff must ensure that all residents are free from.

What is abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation?


She was worked medical missions in Haiti. 

Who is Amy St. Laurent?


After a resident vacates the facility (either moves out or passes away), the facility is responsible to hold the resident's belongings for a specified period of time before the facility can dispose of them. 

What is 30-days?


Eternally best known for her portrayals of Mary Poppins and Maria in "The Sound of Music".

Who is Julie Andrews?


A signed, jointly negotiated agreement between the resident and the RCAC completed by the date of occupancy.

What is a risk agreement?


The longest tenured employee at The Court at Eden Vista.

Who is Julie Ritchie?


The required frequency of fire drills to be compliant with DHS 83.

What is quarterly?


Given by this U.S. President in 1961, the speech famously urges Americans to “ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”

Who is John F. Kennedy?


The activation of this prohibits admission to an RCAC.

What is a healthcare power of attorney?

She spends Thursdays grocery shopping with LARRY!

Who is Holli VanCampenhout?