We all Matter
David Attenborough's Planet Earth
Sometimes they're dinosaurs
The living

A smoothie is one type and a fruit salad is another.

What are solutions and mixtures?


The length of time Earth takes to complete one rotation.

What is 24 hours?


This provides the energy for the water cycle.

What is the sun?


This fossil fuel was formed from the remains of ancient swamp plants that were buried by layers of sediment and exposed to lots of heat and pressure over millions of years.

What is coal?


An organism that makes it own food through the process of photosynthesis

What is a producer?

The amount of space something takes up

What is volume?


The spinning of the Earth on its axis.

What is rotation?


The average weather of an area over at least 30+ years. 

What is climate?


A thick, black liquid formed from the remains of ancient sea organisms that were buried under layers of sediment over millions of years

What is oil?


This shows how energy flows from one organism to another within an ecosystem. The energy starts at the sun.

What is a Food Web?


The amount of matter/mass an object has in relation to its size/volume.

What is density?


This is one trip around the sun. The closer the planet the faster the trip.  

What is a revolution?


The three processes that change/create landforms. In other words, they're married!--W.E.D.

What are weathering, erosion, and deposition? 


The reason why burning fossil fuels is so damaging. Not to mention, deforestation is making the problem worse! (P.S., not a fun greenhouse to live in)

What is the release of carbon dioxide (CO2)?


An organism that has to eat or consume food to get energy

What is a consumer?


This will allow heat or electricity to pass through it easily. 

What is a conductor?


These two celestial bodies have little in common, although they are fairly close to each other. One has an atmosphere and lots of water and living things, the other has no atmosphere and many craters on the surface.

What are the Earth and Moon?


These three things contribute to the formation of landforms such as deltas, canyons, and sand dunes.

What is water, wind, and ice?


This greenhouse gas is considered far worse than CO2 due to its ability to trap heat in the atmosphere. Some people call it cow farts.

What is methane? 


Your eye color is an example of this thing. Riding a bike is an example of the other.

What is inherited trait and learned behavior?


The bouncing of light off of a surface such as a mirror or other shiny surface

What is reflection?


I hike up to the top of a mountain in Colorado and am looking this way to view the sunrise. In the car, on my way back home I look this way to view the sunset.

What is East for sunrise and West for sunset?


Examples of this include wind and solar. Much better than the more common alternative (sometimes made from dinosaurs).

What are renewable energies?


Fossils can be millions of years old--but the youngest on their family tree is this age (otherwise known as newborns in the fossil family).

What is about 10,000 years, or the end of the last ice age?


A leaf bug, a stick bug, and a fake eye on a butterfly's wing.

What is mimicry?